Hey guys, I am back and bit late in posting. Anyway, I have opened a new blog, it is all about food reviews and I'm kinda thinking of sometimes posting recipes. So yeah, it specializes in food and I hope that all of you food lovers will enjoy. The link of the blog is at the end of this post.
I don't really know why I suddenly wanted to do this, I think it's because I recently developed a love for food and decided why not create a blog about food.
So that's it for the announcement part. So if you haven't read the news, there's this sickness called Ebola. Just for the people that don't know, the symptoms of Ebola are usually, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, and headaches. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea will follow along with decreased functioning of the liver and kidneys. Also, some people might have bleeding problems.
If you're worried don't be cause this virus is only acquired upon contact with blood or bodily fluids of infected animal. So I would suggest eating well done meat from now on, or at least until this thing blows up. It's commonly infected by monkeys or fruit bats but you never know, so just to stay safe.... And male survivors may also transmit this disease by semen so it's probably the best time to get some condoms.
So yeah, I'm gonna stop writing here and remember, use protection and try not to eat rare or medium rare food. Right now I'm worried about the people on Bear Grylls, I don't know much about the show but I heard that they eat raw meat so... Good luck to them.
Food Blog Link : Foodie~
I'm Awesome
Monday, 4 August 2014
Thursday, 24 July 2014
Pokemon X and Y
Hey guys I'm back from a VERY long 'break'. For those that are my regular readers I am terribly sorry I've been going through some shit this year so yeah. So before I begin rambling I'm just gonna say that I will be posting at least once or twice per week only, mainly because I am 15 and Asian which means I have to study, plus my parents kinda banned me from using my computer on weekdays so yeah....
Anyway, today I am going to talk about Pokemon!!! For those of you that don't know, the newest version of Pokemon which is Pokemon X and Y came out some time around October 2013 and in my opinion I think its okay. I know that a lot of Pokemon lovers are freakin pissed at the Pokemon X and Y mostly because the Pokemons have changed and its 3D, its just different.
Anyway, today I am going to talk about Pokemon!!! For those of you that don't know, the newest version of Pokemon which is Pokemon X and Y came out some time around October 2013 and in my opinion I think its okay. I know that a lot of Pokemon lovers are freakin pissed at the Pokemon X and Y mostly because the Pokemons have changed and its 3D, its just different.
This is the Pokemons from Gold and look at it, it's adorable and awesome.
This is the ones from X and Y. Because most of you are not familiar with the new versions, the one on the left is Froakie, the one in the middle is Fennekin and the one on the left is Chespin.
For those of you that are huge Pokemon fans you know that you'd pick the ones on the top and spit at the ones on the bottom. I know, I know you're pissed but I still think that it's a great game if you like simulation or visual novel games mainly because there are more dialog so it might feel better for those that like these games.
In conclusion, for Pokemon lovers and hate simulation or visual novel games will hate this game.
For those that love visual novel games I would recommend this to you.
So yeah, that's pretty much it.
(I am not responsible if you buy this game and hate it, I don't know much about this game still)
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Christmas Songs
I know some people are already in a Christmas mood so here's some Christmas Songs. FYI, only the second video is an original Christmas song so......Yeah..... But the others are still great...
Silent Night (With Lyrics)
Silent Night (Lindsey Stirling - Violinist)
Rudolph (The Piano Guys)
Carol of The Bells [Piano Guys (12 Cellos)]
My favorite A Capella Group - Pentatonix (Carol of the Bells)
Carol of the Bells (Choir Group)
Silent Night (With Lyrics)
Silent Night (Lindsey Stirling - Violinist)
Shake Up Christmas (Train)
Rudolph (The Piano Guys)
Carol of The Bells [Piano Guys (12 Cellos)]
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Response to Racist White Guy
So recently I found this video of some douche white guy (not that I hate white people), Sam saying that Asians suck and he would not want to be Asian. (FYI I'm female)
And this is a response from a Chinese guy.
Response 1: You know, to some Asians white or black people look the same but we don't make a big deal out of it do we!? And maybe you can't see the difference but a lot of other people do! Douche!
Response 2: Being an Asian guy doesn't mean you're going to end up with an Asian girl! Tons of Asians don't end up with another Asian! There's no rule! I mean, even the black kid from karate kid ended up with the CHINESE girl! She's not EXTREMELY beautiful but the karate kid still liked her!
Response 3: You know what this I totally agree with Peter Chao! Throw your goddamn shirt away then!
Response 4: First of all, not all Asians smoke! I'm Asian, I'm living in Asia right now and NONE of my friends, nor my family members smoke pot! And even if they do who cares what they look like! As long as we don't get fucked up in the head and end up like you, it's fine!
Response 5: Math, not all Asians are good in Math! I'm Asian and I suck at Math! If you think all Asians HAVE to be or are GUARANTEED to be good in Math then I have no trouble in believing you're a fucked up asshole! You know what, I can't call you an asshole, that's just an insult to assholes.
Response 6: Showbiz? There are tons of successful Asians, if you're in Korea, get a freakin surgery and good at acting you can get tons of money! Plus, NIGAHIGA is also in showbiz and he is great and successful unlike you! AND, have you SEEN the walking dead! I don't think Glenn's a white guy and he got to be successful!
Response 7: Short? Clearly you have not seen my friends! Nearly all my friends are fucking taller than you! When they want to talk to you they have to bend down!
Response 8: First of all, have you been to Asia!? In Asia there are tons of things to eat, not just sushi! If you're in Malaysia you have nasi lemak, roti canai, char koey tiao! Even if you're not in Malaysia there are still tons of things to eat!
Response 9: I can't say this for all girls but most girls don't care about the size of their boyfriends dick! They care about their boyfriend themselves BEING one! And having a small dick doesn't mean you can't satisfy a woman! Of course you wouldn't know that! You got a small dick and at the same time unable to satisfy any women that is willing to sleep with you.
Response 10: Blurred porn huh..... I can't say I'm a fan of that but come on, if you want to see a pussy why don't you get a girl to strip for you!? Oh wait, I forgot that no one would be willing to get naked for you, even if you pay them. And not all Asian porn are blurred by the way!
Response 10: Blurred porn huh..... I can't say I'm a fan of that but come on, if you want to see a pussy why don't you get a girl to strip for you!? Oh wait, I forgot that no one would be willing to get naked for you, even if you pay them. And not all Asian porn are blurred by the way!
Thursday, 15 August 2013
Malaysian Government Are Wrong
Wednesday, 14 August 2013
Gangnam Style Hater
Hey, I know I haven't posted anything for a while one of the reasons is because it's holiday and all, but the main reason is this is starting to become work. Anyway, here is the link to the famous video that has the most viewed music video on Youtube, Gangnam Style. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0
And here is the video.
Anyway, if you're lucky enough or you keep searching the comments you'll probably see a comment saying
Angus Bough (Commenter)
Reasons why JB is better than this Chinese shit:
And here is the video.
Anyway, if you're lucky enough or you keep searching the comments you'll probably see a comment saying
Angus Bough (Commenter)
Reasons why JB is better than this Chinese shit:
1. JB's music video "Baby" is the most viewed video on YouTube.a
2. JB is mature unlike this guy in the music video clowning around like a 12 year old.
3. I never heard that JB ever ate a cat or a dog like Chinese people do.
4. JB is civilized unlike dog eaters China.
5.JB uses English the international language unlike these disrespectful Chinese people posting their nonsense on YouTube.
Respect English. Never use another language in public.
1.) Okay, first of all, Justin Bieber's music video "Baby" is the most viewed video on Youtube!? Are you fuckin kidding me!? I know she's not Asian but come on, even a dumb-ass can know this is the most popular video on Youtube! Even poor people from Cambodia knows this and they definitely do NOT know Justin Bieber. Well, some of them probably knew it but I guess they died hearing his music.
2.) Justin Bieber is mature!? If he's mature then that means the Earth doesn't have in-mature people!
3.) Gangnam Style is not Chinese! Have you ever fuckin heard Chinese!? This is Korean dumb-ass! Plus, even if he does that doesn't mean the media will show it out! What!? They media have to show the whole fuckin world what he eats!? Even the ROYAL BABY doesn't get that kind of treatment!
4.) I don't know if he is civilized or not but that doesn't mean you can go around judging what people eat!
5.) How is this video disrespectful!? And I don't know where the fuck you're from but that doesn't mean people can't speak other language! It's not like everyone is from America or England or something!
Hey Angus Bullshit! People can do whatever they want! It's a free world, even in Asia! Oh wait! You probably don't know where the fuck that is do you!? Of course you don't! It's where the Chinese, KOREANS, JAPANESE, MALAYSIANS, INDIANS LIVE! There are more than one type of Asian fucker!
1.) Okay, first of all, Justin Bieber's music video "Baby" is the most viewed video on Youtube!? Are you fuckin kidding me!? I know she's not Asian but come on, even a dumb-ass can know this is the most popular video on Youtube! Even poor people from Cambodia knows this and they definitely do NOT know Justin Bieber. Well, some of them probably knew it but I guess they died hearing his music.
2.) Justin Bieber is mature!? If he's mature then that means the Earth doesn't have in-mature people!
3.) Gangnam Style is not Chinese! Have you ever fuckin heard Chinese!? This is Korean dumb-ass! Plus, even if he does that doesn't mean the media will show it out! What!? They media have to show the whole fuckin world what he eats!? Even the ROYAL BABY doesn't get that kind of treatment!
4.) I don't know if he is civilized or not but that doesn't mean you can go around judging what people eat!
5.) How is this video disrespectful!? And I don't know where the fuck you're from but that doesn't mean people can't speak other language! It's not like everyone is from America or England or something!
Hey Angus Bullshit! People can do whatever they want! It's a free world, even in Asia! Oh wait! You probably don't know where the fuck that is do you!? Of course you don't! It's where the Chinese, KOREANS, JAPANESE, MALAYSIANS, INDIANS LIVE! There are more than one type of Asian fucker!
Saturday, 20 July 2013
Hitman Blood Money Walkthrough (House Of Cards, Stealth)
So, here's the walkthrough for Hitman Blood Money's "The House Of Cards".
If anyone is wondering what weapons should you equip for this mission. The answer is, none if you follow this walkthrough, but if you insist on doing it your own way, I recommend silenced gus since there are tons of guards all over the place.
So the first thing you're gonna have to do is enter the building, and go up the stairs to the second floor and enter the elevator on the left. Climb up the hatch and wait, your first target will enter the elevator not long after and you can strangle him from above using your fiber wire. Then take his keycard (803) and also the suitcase. Then just go back to the ground floor and go back to the second elevator, the one on the right.
Do the same thing and climb up the hatch. Wait for the second target, Hendrik Schmutz to enter and strangle him just like you did with the other dude. Take his clothes and keycard, and also leave the Payment Briefcase, all your guns and bombs there. You will get them back later.

When you assassinate the second target, you may proceed the the 7th floor, go find this guy's room, 707 and use his keycard to enter. Inside, just in front of the door you'll find a DNA briefcase take it with you. Now you have to go to the 8th floor.

For some people, you may not reach the 8th floor using the elevator so go find the balcony at the 7th floor, you can climb up from there. If there happens to be someone there smoking don't give a shit about him, but to be safe, you can save. Anyway, when you reach the 8th floor activate the fire alarm near room 803 (one of your targets room) all the guards will run to the elevator, use that chance and enter the room using the keycard.

Go inside the room and you will see there's a phone on the table, use the phone to call your third target. Your third target will then leave the casino lounge and go outside. Hurry up and leave the room, use the elevator to get to the lobby, enter the casino. Use the door at the east side to avoid getting caught on camera. Hurry up and reach the other side. Then just go to the lounge, before you enter you'll have to get scanned by the security, if you refuse to get scanned and just dash in, you'll probably die. Let the security scan you and hurry up to the exit at the other side, follow the stairs and you'll either find him still outside or coming back to the lounge, that's when you kill him, you can also leave the DNA Briefcase there.
With all your targets gone, go back to the elevator and take all your guns and SUIT UP! Then you can leave the place.
If anyone is wondering what weapons should you equip for this mission. The answer is, none if you follow this walkthrough, but if you insist on doing it your own way, I recommend silenced gus since there are tons of guards all over the place.
So the first thing you're gonna have to do is enter the building, and go up the stairs to the second floor and enter the elevator on the left. Climb up the hatch and wait, your first target will enter the elevator not long after and you can strangle him from above using your fiber wire. Then take his keycard (803) and also the suitcase. Then just go back to the ground floor and go back to the second elevator, the one on the right.
Do the same thing and climb up the hatch. Wait for the second target, Hendrik Schmutz to enter and strangle him just like you did with the other dude. Take his clothes and keycard, and also leave the Payment Briefcase, all your guns and bombs there. You will get them back later.
When you assassinate the second target, you may proceed the the 7th floor, go find this guy's room, 707 and use his keycard to enter. Inside, just in front of the door you'll find a DNA briefcase take it with you. Now you have to go to the 8th floor.
For some people, you may not reach the 8th floor using the elevator so go find the balcony at the 7th floor, you can climb up from there. If there happens to be someone there smoking don't give a shit about him, but to be safe, you can save. Anyway, when you reach the 8th floor activate the fire alarm near room 803 (one of your targets room) all the guards will run to the elevator, use that chance and enter the room using the keycard.
Go inside the room and you will see there's a phone on the table, use the phone to call your third target. Your third target will then leave the casino lounge and go outside. Hurry up and leave the room, use the elevator to get to the lobby, enter the casino. Use the door at the east side to avoid getting caught on camera. Hurry up and reach the other side. Then just go to the lounge, before you enter you'll have to get scanned by the security, if you refuse to get scanned and just dash in, you'll probably die. Let the security scan you and hurry up to the exit at the other side, follow the stairs and you'll either find him still outside or coming back to the lounge, that's when you kill him, you can also leave the DNA Briefcase there.
With all your targets gone, go back to the elevator and take all your guns and SUIT UP! Then you can leave the place.
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