
Thursday 15 August 2013

Malaysian Government Are Wrong

So, I know this is old news but I just want to let people outside Malaysia know what Malaysia is. I guess most people know who this is especially Malaysians. These two couple posted a sex video which I don't really care for, and recently they posted this picture and said "Buka Puasa with Bak Kut Teh" and Bak Kut Teh is pork so they got charged because they apparently hurt the Malay's feelings! How the fuck can that hurt someone's feelings!? Just to clear the confusion, Malays can't eat pork. And I repeat, they CAN'T EAT! So that means other people can eat it right! Not in their heads! In their heads, if they can't eat it we can't either! WTF! If you can't eat it well that's your allahdamn problem! And you think we hurt your feelings!? You burned a BIBLE! How the fuck do you think the Christians feel!? But did you guys get charged!? NO! And you know what the most fucked up part is, they burned it because the Bible has the word 'Allah' in it. They think that only the Muslims can use the word Allah! Well you're wrong! You didn't create Allah, and you didn't create the word, you didn't create any single part of it! And you're making the most fuss out of it! You guys can go to hell! You cheated on the election, you charged these innocent couple, you burned a bible, you hurt out feelings and you guys are the ones that should get charged!

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Gangnam Style Hater

Hey, I know I haven't posted anything for a while one of the reasons is because it's holiday and all, but the main reason is this is starting to become work. Anyway, here is the link to the famous video that has the most viewed music video on Youtube, Gangnam Style.
And here is the video.

Anyway, if you're lucky enough or you keep searching the comments you'll probably see a comment saying
Angus Bough (Commenter)
Reasons why JB is better than this Chinese shit:
1. JB's music video "Baby" is the most viewed video on YouTube.a
2. JB is mature unlike this guy in the music video clowning around like a 12 year old.
3. I never heard that JB ever ate a cat or a dog like Chinese people do.
4. JB is civilized unlike dog eaters China.
5.JB uses English the international language unlike these disrespectful Chinese people posting their nonsense on YouTube.
Respect English. Never use another language in public.

1.) Okay, first of all, Justin Bieber's music video "Baby" is the most viewed video on Youtube!? Are you fuckin kidding me!? I know she's not Asian but come on, even a dumb-ass can know this is the most popular video on Youtube! Even poor people from Cambodia knows this and they definitely do NOT know Justin Bieber. Well, some of them probably knew it but I guess they died hearing his music.

2.) Justin Bieber is mature!? If he's mature then that means the Earth doesn't have in-mature people!

3.) Gangnam Style is not Chinese! Have you ever fuckin heard Chinese!? This is Korean dumb-ass! Plus, even if he does that doesn't mean the media will show it out! What!? They media have to show the whole fuckin world what he eats!? Even the ROYAL BABY doesn't get that kind of treatment!

4.) I don't know if he is civilized or not but that doesn't mean you can go around judging what people eat!

5.) How is this video disrespectful!? And I don't know where the fuck you're from but that doesn't mean people can't speak other language! It's not like everyone is from America or England or something!

Hey Angus Bullshit! People can do whatever they want! It's a free world, even in Asia! Oh wait! You probably don't know where the fuck that is do you!? Of course you don't! It's where the Chinese, KOREANS, JAPANESE, MALAYSIANS, INDIANS LIVE! There are more than one type of Asian fucker!