
Thursday 10 October 2013

Response to Racist White Guy

So recently I found this video of some douche white guy (not that I hate white people), Sam saying that Asians suck and he would not want to be Asian. (FYI I'm female)

And this is a response from a Chinese guy.

Response 1: You know, to some Asians white or black people look the same but we don't make a big deal out of it do we!? And maybe you can't see the difference but a lot of other people do! Douche!

Response 2: Being an Asian guy doesn't mean you're going to end up with an Asian girl! Tons of Asians don't end up with another Asian! There's no rule! I mean, even the black kid from karate kid ended up with the CHINESE girl! She's not EXTREMELY beautiful but the karate kid still liked her!

Response 3: You know what this I totally agree with Peter Chao! Throw your goddamn shirt away then!

Response 4: First of all, not all Asians smoke! I'm Asian, I'm living in Asia right now and NONE of my friends, nor my family members smoke pot! And even if they do who cares what they look like! As long as we don't get fucked up in the head and end up like you, it's fine!

Response 5: Math, not all Asians are good in Math! I'm Asian and I suck at Math! If you think all Asians HAVE to be or are GUARANTEED to be good in Math then I have no trouble in believing you're a fucked up asshole! You know what, I can't call you an asshole, that's just an insult to assholes.

Response 6: Showbiz? There are tons of successful Asians, if you're in Korea, get a freakin surgery and good at acting you can get tons of money! Plus, NIGAHIGA is also in showbiz and he is great and successful unlike you! AND, have you SEEN the walking dead! I don't think Glenn's a white guy and he got to be successful!

Response 7: Short? Clearly you have not seen my friends! Nearly all my friends are fucking taller than you! When they want to talk to you they have to bend down!

Response 8: First of all, have you been to Asia!? In Asia there are tons of things to eat, not just sushi! If you're in Malaysia you have nasi lemak, roti canai, char koey tiao! Even if you're not in Malaysia there are still tons of things to eat!

Response 9: I can't say this for all girls but most girls don't care about the size of their boyfriends dick! They care about their boyfriend themselves BEING one! And having a small dick doesn't mean you can't satisfy a woman! Of course you wouldn't know that! You got a small dick and at the same time unable to satisfy any women that is willing to sleep with you.

Response 10: Blurred porn huh..... I can't say I'm a fan of that but come on, if you want to see a pussy why don't you get a girl to strip for you!? Oh wait, I forgot that no one would be willing to get naked for you, even if you pay them. And not all Asian porn are blurred by the way!