
Monday 4 August 2014


Hey guys, I am back and bit late in posting. Anyway, I have opened a new blog, it is all about food reviews and I'm kinda thinking of sometimes posting recipes. So yeah, it specializes in food and I hope that all of you food lovers will enjoy. The link of the blog is at the end of this post.

I don't really know why I suddenly wanted to do this, I think it's because I recently developed a love for food and decided why not create a blog about food.

So that's it for the announcement part. So if you haven't read the news, there's this sickness called Ebola. Just for the people that don't know, the symptoms of Ebola are usually, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, and headaches. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea will follow along with decreased functioning of the liver and kidneys. Also, some people might have bleeding problems.

If you're worried don't be cause this virus is only acquired upon contact with blood or bodily fluids of infected animal. So I would suggest eating well done meat from now on, or at least until this thing blows up. It's commonly infected by monkeys or fruit bats but you never know, so just to stay safe.... And male survivors may also transmit this disease by semen so it's probably the best time to get some condoms.

So yeah, I'm gonna stop writing here and remember, use protection and try not to eat rare or medium rare food. Right now I'm worried about the people on Bear Grylls, I don't know much about the show but I heard that they eat raw meat so... Good luck to them.

Food Blog Link : Foodie~

Thursday 24 July 2014

Pokemon X and Y

Hey guys I'm back from a VERY long 'break'. For those that are my regular readers I am terribly sorry I've been going through some shit this year so yeah. So before I begin rambling I'm just gonna say that I will be posting at least once or twice per week only, mainly because I am 15 and Asian which means I have to study, plus my parents kinda banned me from using my computer on weekdays so yeah....

Anyway, today I am going to talk about Pokemon!!! For those of you that don't know, the newest version of Pokemon which is Pokemon X and Y came out some time around October 2013 and in my opinion I think its okay. I know that a lot of Pokemon lovers are freakin pissed at the Pokemon X and Y mostly because the Pokemons have changed and its 3D, its just different.
This is the Pokemons from Gold and look at it, it's adorable and awesome.
This is the ones from X and Y. Because most of you are not familiar with the new versions, the one on the left is Froakie, the one in the middle is Fennekin and the one on the left is Chespin.

For those of you that are huge Pokemon fans you know that you'd pick the ones on the top and spit at the ones on the bottom. I know, I know you're pissed but I still think that it's a great game if you like simulation or visual novel games mainly because there are more dialog so it might feel better for those that like these games.

In conclusion, for Pokemon lovers and hate simulation or visual novel games will hate this game.
For those that love visual novel games I would recommend this to you.
So yeah, that's pretty much it.

(I am not responsible if you buy this game and hate it, I don't know much about this game still)