
Tuesday 26 February 2013

Asians & Scout

So, what's going on with me? Well, I got forced back to scout and now I can't fuckin skip it because they got my mother's number! You know when they talked to me they sounded like they fuckin give a damn about what happens to me, well, you know, that's bullshit! Fuckin bull shit! They don't give a damn and they will never will! And I won't give a damn if the fuckin scout master dies either! In fact, I'd be even happier if I was the one who killed him! I know it's a little cruel, but if you're cruel to me I'll be cruel to you! That's life bitch! You know, if people heard me say this they'd think I'm crazy well, I've been living a shit life what'd you think was gonna happen!? You can't have your opinion on anything! If you want to have your own opinion you have to fight for it! And when you finally win you have to fuckin apologize! Why!? BECAUSE WE'RE ASIAN!!! You know, one day, I swear on my life, I WILL GET REVENGE!

Monday 18 February 2013

Back to school

So I haven't posted anything for a long time, and now I'm back. You're probably thinking the reason I didn't post anything is because it's new years and I was too busy but actually I'm just lazy. This new years is boring. Anyway, I'm going to talk about what most students hate, school. Well, I study in a Chinese private school so today is a holiday but we have to start school tomorrow, which really sucks because I really don't want to see my 'friends'. Most of them are douches and the friends I like are in another class and the only time we see each other is during 1st and 2nd recess and if we add it up together it's only an hour! And sometimes we're busy so we don't get to see each other at all! And, it's not just the students I hate, I also hate the motherfuckin teachers! You know, my English teacher, she's really a bitch, I remember once, I wanted to borrow something from the kid behind me so I did, and the teacher caught me, and she was like 'You! Sit in front!'. And she said it so loud it's like she wanted the whole world to hear! That bitch thinks my English sucks so bad that I can't even miss a second of her class to borrow a fuckin ruler?! Well, my English is WAY better than that motherfuckin bitch! And it's not just the English teacher that sucks dick! In my school, there are TONS of teachers that suck dick! You know what, I can'ts tell the people I hate to suck dick. It's insulting, to people who have dicks. Well, I released enough anger for now, see ya when....... I'm not lazy to post things.

Friday 8 February 2013

Chinese New Year Holiday

Tomorrow's a holiday, so I guess a lot of you are happy because  some people don't have to wake up early but if you think about it, it's kinda tiring. You have to put on a fake smile and wish adults happy new year and if then you have to give shit compliments to them even though it's not true. It's just tiring, and if you think about it, you just wanna lay down on a bed and sleep like a stinkin pig or you just want to play the computer or watch some tv but you can't! You just can't! If you do you're just impolite, but if you don't you don't feel good. You can say I'm a first world person or that I'm a fuckin jackass but some family members just makes you want to murder someone so sometimes you just want to watch some television to keep your mind out of it but that's kinda impossible since there are so many adults and like I said you have to put a fake damned smile for them. And it's hot too! But still, you get to have money, so it's like you're getting paid to do those things. Well, either way, HAPPY NEW YEAR, and good luck on your jobs to put on fake smiles, and hope you earn tons of money.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

K-pop merchandise website link

So, I found this website where you can buy K-Pop stuff. The link is at the bottom of the post. I forgot how I got into this part- but when I went to the homepage I was like 'How the hell do I see the items?' because I just clicked some link that linked it to this. So if you want to buy something, just go to the first link because I'm not quite sure how to see the items. You know, if I was in America or I have US dollars I would buy tons of this stuff! But sadly since I'm in Malaysia, I can't do anything about it except ask for it. I still can't believe that the when you convert US dollars to Malaysian Ringgit, you have to multiply 3. Look at the picture below, if only we have that in Malaysia.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Not now I'm busy

So, I haven't posted anything in ages, one of the reasons is I'm lazy and the second reason is because between school, my mom keeps pestering me to go out with her and chores the only time I get for myself is about 2 hours max. And in those times I just want to sit down, turn on the air conditioner in my room and watch a few episodes of either Friends, How I Met Your Mother, Modern Family or Big Bang Theory. Anyway, now I just have to post something, I don't care what it is, even if it's shit. So, the nearest holiday is Chinese New Years. And I gotta say, I should be very happy but man I'm tiring and I'm not as happy as I thought. Recently I got to paint the walls under the hot damn sun! AND, my mom kept nagging me to buy clothes, I was fine with that but she HAD to drag me to Penang and I had to walk, for 4 damn hours! It's great if you're a shopaholic but I'm not so, it kinda sucked. AND, that's not the worst part, it's nearly 10 days of holiday and in those days I have to put on a fake smile and say 'Happy Chinese New Year!' or 'You look GREAT!' or 'You are so beautiful!'