
Friday 8 February 2013

Chinese New Year Holiday

Tomorrow's a holiday, so I guess a lot of you are happy because  some people don't have to wake up early but if you think about it, it's kinda tiring. You have to put on a fake smile and wish adults happy new year and if then you have to give shit compliments to them even though it's not true. It's just tiring, and if you think about it, you just wanna lay down on a bed and sleep like a stinkin pig or you just want to play the computer or watch some tv but you can't! You just can't! If you do you're just impolite, but if you don't you don't feel good. You can say I'm a first world person or that I'm a fuckin jackass but some family members just makes you want to murder someone so sometimes you just want to watch some television to keep your mind out of it but that's kinda impossible since there are so many adults and like I said you have to put a fake damned smile for them. And it's hot too! But still, you get to have money, so it's like you're getting paid to do those things. Well, either way, HAPPY NEW YEAR, and good luck on your jobs to put on fake smiles, and hope you earn tons of money.

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