
Tuesday 26 June 2012

I'm Bored

Nothing much has happened these days.Just normal, boring days. The only thing that's fun is going on Facebook. And I usually just go to Facebook to check my messages and notifications other than that I have nothing to do unless my friends are online, if they are I could chat with them. But sometimes I'm too lazy to even chat with my friends. And the worst part is.... SCHOOL! School is the worst, especially when you're in private school. They say "TGIF!" which means "Thank God It's Friday!" but I still have to go to school on Saturday so it's still horrible. If only it were the holidays. Yes, it will probably be boring without my friends but it still wins compared to going to school and being scolded almost everyday. And the teachers are extremely annoying! I don't know whats going on with my teachers these days but they are nuts! They want us to do so many homework and whatever we do wrong we have to be punished. No, they usually won't cane us they would usually call us to write 100 stupid sentences like "I will never forget to bring my Geography textbook." I don't want to go to school, if it weren't for my friends I would hate school.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Being good doesn't pay

I can't believe it. I brought my cellphone to school and my school's discipline teacher found out. One of my classmate told on me and the discipline teacher came to my class and called me to the discipline room. And the classmate who told on me always asked me to borrow him things and always asks me for favors. Being good doesn't get you anywhere. Anyway I wasn't afraid of being caught, I was afraid because I am going to get killed by my dad! I can only say one thing after this whole incident, being good doesn't pay.....

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Exam Results

These past two days, teachers have been giving back our test papers. And I failed 3 out of 8. There are 10 subjects but I haven't got the other two yet. Actually I don't care if I pass or fail, if my overall results is 500 or above I'm already satisfied because if you don't get 500 or above that means you can't go up to the next grade. They sum up your overall result and divide them by 10 and after they divide it, it's lower than 50 you fail and you can't go to the next grade. Anyway, I failed my Mathematics, Geography and History. When my mother found out that I got 29 marks she was like "My all time lowest score is 70 and I cried all night because of it." I didn't want to say anything because I knew anything I say would definitely get me in trouble but in my head I was like "You didn't even know the answers to the questions in my textbook!". And ever since, any adult that knew I failed they would nag me saying "You're a smart kid but you just don't want to study." etc. And it is just so damn annoying..... That is the reason I hate exams.

Monday 11 June 2012

Back To School Again

Today is my first day of school after the school holidays. Surprisingly it was actually okay..... I didn't want to go to school because I thought it would suck but like I said, it was surprisingly okay so I guess I'm fine. But the bad thing is I didn't have a seat to sit on so I had to share a place with my friend. It was uncomfortable but we definitely got closer. Anyway, today was fine except that almost every teacher gave back the test papers, I was kind of good compared to my friends but it still isn't good...... In my defense, it was so damn hard that some of the students from the best class said it was hard. So this was my first day of school......

Saturday 9 June 2012

Last Day Of School Holidays

Today is the last day of my school holidays. I want to enjoy this last day but I have to do so many things like preparing for school which is unnecessary because I don't have to bring as many books as usual on Mondays. But I have to find my homework and pencil case and my file, if I can find those three things I'm practically done for the day. Even though I hate school I kinda want to go to school because a lot my friends are there. But I keep wondering is it worth it because some teachers don't like me as much and I hate almost every single teachers guts. But if I don't go to school I'll probably be lonely and depressed so I guess I should go......

Friday 8 June 2012

Parents, listen to what we have to say

You know how parents are always saying "Kids should tell us whats on their mind so we can understand them better." That's just a bunch of crap. The things on our mind either hurt their feelings or offend them so every time we tell them what's on our mind we get scolded or get in a fight with our parents. Once, I told my parents that their overprotective because they won't let me go out with my friends. And they're like "It's for your own good! If we let you go out with your friends, who knows what they'll do?" They don't trust my friends, and if they don't trust my friends they don't trust me because they're MY friends. That's how I usually get in a fight or an argument with my parents. And another time I joked about not passing up my homework and my mother was like "Why won't you pass up your homework? If you don't have any interest in studying why are you even in school?" I didn't say anything but in my mind I was like "You can't joke around here?!". I'm starting to rethink telling my parents what's on my mind and what happens in school.

Fake Teachers

I don't get teachers. I don't know the teacher back then but I do know most of the teachers in school don't know how to teach. I'm starting to wonder how the hell did they become teachers. My English teacher for example, she is so damn fake. She is kind to us but in a fake way, I have experiences but I guess my classmates doesn't because they think she's great. I remember she said "I teach a lot of classes but for some reason, every time I walk into this class I can't help but smile, it's like magic." I didn't say anything but in my head I was thinking "Are you kidding me? We're not 3 we're 13!" but the worse part was that the my classmates bought it. I know they're doing all this just to get good performance but can they make it more realistic! If they want their student to become less rebellious I suggest them to be more realistic and stop acting kind to us. Fake teachers that are kind to us are what make most kids rebellious nowadays so I suggest them to be more real......

Why Are Parents Forcing Kids To Study?

I don't get why parents and teachers are forcing us to study when they know we hate it. And when you ask them they'll say "This is for your own good." and "It's you taking the exam not me." Translation- It's you taking the exam so you have to study and if you get horrible marks we'll be sad. I don't get them! They say we study for our own good then why are they the ones who are crying not us? And if we get good marks they'll be like "You see, if I didn't tell you to study you wouldn't get such good marks." This world is just so messed up......

Thursday 7 June 2012

Girls, Y U So Hard To Understand

I don't get people these days, one of them are girls. I'm a girl myself but I don't take pictures of myself or act cute or post nonsense like "I'm Happy" on my Facebook. But almost all of my classmates are like that, which sucks because I was actually hoping I would make some decent female friends but I guess I was wrong. They all act like they're sluts, literally. They take pictures of them and post it like they're adorable and cute. I mean if you're beautiful fine but some of them aren't even beautiful and yet they have the courage to take pictures of themselves and post it online. For some reason that can actually get more likes than other more serious things, which is why I can never understand girls nowadays.....

Mid Year Holiday Ending

This two week holiday is about to end, I'm happy but at the same time unhappy...... I'm happy because I can finally go back to school and find my friends again. I'm unhappy because I feel like I didn't enjoy this holiday as much as I would like to. And my mother has already started the "Holiday Ending" talk.... The "Holiday Ending" talk sucks, they'll tell you stuff like "School is about to start so you can't play computer games anymore, and you have to focus on your studies...". It's a standard line.