
Tuesday 26 June 2012

I'm Bored

Nothing much has happened these days.Just normal, boring days. The only thing that's fun is going on Facebook. And I usually just go to Facebook to check my messages and notifications other than that I have nothing to do unless my friends are online, if they are I could chat with them. But sometimes I'm too lazy to even chat with my friends. And the worst part is.... SCHOOL! School is the worst, especially when you're in private school. They say "TGIF!" which means "Thank God It's Friday!" but I still have to go to school on Saturday so it's still horrible. If only it were the holidays. Yes, it will probably be boring without my friends but it still wins compared to going to school and being scolded almost everyday. And the teachers are extremely annoying! I don't know whats going on with my teachers these days but they are nuts! They want us to do so many homework and whatever we do wrong we have to be punished. No, they usually won't cane us they would usually call us to write 100 stupid sentences like "I will never forget to bring my Geography textbook." I don't want to go to school, if it weren't for my friends I would hate school.

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