
Tuesday 12 June 2012

Exam Results

These past two days, teachers have been giving back our test papers. And I failed 3 out of 8. There are 10 subjects but I haven't got the other two yet. Actually I don't care if I pass or fail, if my overall results is 500 or above I'm already satisfied because if you don't get 500 or above that means you can't go up to the next grade. They sum up your overall result and divide them by 10 and after they divide it, it's lower than 50 you fail and you can't go to the next grade. Anyway, I failed my Mathematics, Geography and History. When my mother found out that I got 29 marks she was like "My all time lowest score is 70 and I cried all night because of it." I didn't want to say anything because I knew anything I say would definitely get me in trouble but in my head I was like "You didn't even know the answers to the questions in my textbook!". And ever since, any adult that knew I failed they would nag me saying "You're a smart kid but you just don't want to study." etc. And it is just so damn annoying..... That is the reason I hate exams.

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