
Friday 8 June 2012

Fake Teachers

I don't get teachers. I don't know the teacher back then but I do know most of the teachers in school don't know how to teach. I'm starting to wonder how the hell did they become teachers. My English teacher for example, she is so damn fake. She is kind to us but in a fake way, I have experiences but I guess my classmates doesn't because they think she's great. I remember she said "I teach a lot of classes but for some reason, every time I walk into this class I can't help but smile, it's like magic." I didn't say anything but in my head I was thinking "Are you kidding me? We're not 3 we're 13!" but the worse part was that the my classmates bought it. I know they're doing all this just to get good performance but can they make it more realistic! If they want their student to become less rebellious I suggest them to be more realistic and stop acting kind to us. Fake teachers that are kind to us are what make most kids rebellious nowadays so I suggest them to be more real......

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