
Saturday 26 January 2013

We are remembered for the rules we break

So, I was just thinking about why people are usually remembered for the rules the break, not the rules they follow, just saying, that quote is actually in Modern Warfare. I forgot which but I do remember this quote. Anyway, it's true. If we follow the rules like everyone else, no one will know us because we're no different from most people, AND we don't get any special treatment by being dogs for the LAW. It's just not fair. And if we break one single rule, the whole world knows about us. This shitty world is just fuckin messed up.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Jung Yong Hwa goes blonde

So I guess you guys probably know that CNBLUE's Jung Yong Hwa has gone blonde. And a lot of people don't really like it which includes me. He looked casual, normal and awesome back then, and before, whenever people said that some celebrity that dyes their hair are hot, I'm like they don't look natural, so I use Jung Yong Hwa as an example but he proved me wrong. I can't use him as an example anymore. This is the picture he took with Kang Min Hyuk, it doesn't look good on him. But Min Hyuk looks like a kid, he is so adorable for some reason!! I just hope he goes back to his original self.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

CNBLUE World Tour

For all CNBLUE fans, CNBLUE is talking about going on a world tour. They are the fist Korean band to go on a world tour!! They won't JUST be going to Asian countries such as China, Singapore, and Hong Kong, they're even going to places like Europe, Australia, North America and South America. According to the label, CNBLUE has already confirmed performances in Taiwan, and China's Beijing and Shanghai so far. They are also aiming main cities in other parts around the world like the U.S. and Europe, and are talking over scheduling on-site promoters. Concert producers in Australia and South America are also in talks. I can't wait, I mean, if they plan on coming to Malaysia that is. If they're only going to Singapore and not come to Malaysia it's kinda insulting, I mean they won 'Most Favorite' award here, at least that's what I heard, I'm not sure. And Singapore is just below us so why can't they come?! And this is their come back song, enjoy. The full concert hasn't been released on Youtube yet but these two songs have, so, yeah.......

Friday 18 January 2013 complaint

Even though I'm listening to K-Pop music now that doesn't mean that I don't listen to English music. But this week I've been listening to a lot of Korean music and so I thought, I should stop listening to Korean music and start listening to the radio to see what's new, so I decided to listen to one of the most popular radio station in Malaysia, I think. It's And It sucks! Before, was about music, except at about 10pm, that's when the remixes start, and the remix really is horrible, they can repeat the chorus or any part for a few minutes and sometimes that just drives you crazy. But now, even has remixes during the afternoon and even in the morning! I just want to listen to music, not shit! I'm sorry for using the word shit but in the morning I just want to listen to normal music instead of remixes, unless it's awesome, but sometimes not matter how awesome the remix is I still don't want to listen to it in the morning, but that's not what thinks, it's like 70% of the songs are remixes and 20% are shit, and by shit I mean commercials and things like Gotcha calls and some competition to win money or shit like that. Sometimes I just want to listen to normal music but Hitz is making it hard. I don't mind if they start doing remixes at 10pm because it started a long time ago but not in the afternoon and definitely not in the morning! I'm just a little relived that the other radio stations aren't like that, if this continues, I'll probably NEVER listen to again! I repeat the word 'PROBABLY'!

Wednesday 16 January 2013

School Fund Raising Sucks

So, my school is asking money from people. And you know I'm already sick before they asked people for money, but now they've crossed the damn line! Every time I complain about the school being greedy for money, my mother always says 'It's because the teachers need to eat, if they don't get money how can they eat?' I was like 'What the fuck?!'. If they don't have enough money why do they always waste money on shit! For example, the school just made the canteen larger so they have to celebrate by having a buffet! And when they finished the roof for the basketball court they also had a fuckin buffet! And once, I saw a teacher wasting paper! One small mistake and they have to print another one, and by small mistake, I really mean SMALL! The font is too small, reprint, the font is a little different, reprint, didn't put enough spaces, reprint! If they're so poor that they can't even afford to give the teacher's they're monthly salary then why waste it on paper. And if they can't give the teacher's salary why get more?! And the teachers don't teach! They're discipline teachers that walk around the school all day! So, if you're broke and can't give teachers they're salary, you have to hire more teachers?! What kind of fuckin logic is that?! One of the worst things is they waste so much money on shit but they can't even get enough water for the hostel students to wash their clothes and shower?! Oh and look at the money, that's the money you donate to the school, and the school uses it for shit! SHIT I TELL YOU!!!!

Thursday 10 January 2013

NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I can't vote anymore!

NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I realized that the Golden Disk Award is going to be held in Malaysia too late, but when I found out it was on 15 and 16 so I was like great, I can still vote. And when I wanted to vote today..... But sadly, the poll is closed!!! How can it be closed, they have to at least close it at 14th of January! Well, either way, I hope you guys voted CNBLUE~! Haha, well anyway, CNBLUE GAMBATEH! Hope you guys win! LOVE YOU GUYS! 

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Malaysia's going to be holding 27th Golden Disk Award?!

Malaysia's going to be holding the 27th Golden Disk Award?! I'm happy as fuck although it's not exactly near the place that I live, but still.... Better than nothing. Anyway, it's at Sepang International F1 Circuit on January 15 and 16. More than 20 Korean artists have confirmed their attendance for the two-day event.FNC artists that have confirmed their attendance to the awards are CNBLUEFTISLAND andJunielCNBLUE’s Jung Yonghwa and FTISLAND’s Lee Hongki had been given the honor to host the prestigious awards on January 15 and 16 respectively. Both of them will be accompanied by KARA’s Nicole and SISTAR’s Dasom. Too bad I can't go, I still have school!

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Jung Yong Hwa~

So, my friend wanted me to listen to these songs because she knows I <3 CNBLUE and Jung Yong Hwa!! I think is the song from the drama show he acted is 'Heartstrings' I think. I'm not really sure. Either way, it's still a great song! If any guy sang that to me, I think I'd fall in love with him, if Jung Yong Hwa sang this to me I'd faint. Haha, just kidding but if he really did sing this to me there's no way I wouldn't fall in love with him~
This is also another song of Jung Yong Hwa. I think he was helping a junior artist, and he definitely helped a lot. This song is so awesome! But I don't really like the girl's voice that much, it's like she's acting cute somehow but even though I don't like it as much, it's still a pretty damn good song. This song is called 'Fool', I'm a little upset I can't download it with MP3 Downloader, I always listen to songs before I go to bed and I really want to listen to this song and I don't want to go to Youtube but I can't seem to freakin download it, well, to be more specific, I don't think MP3 Downloader has that song, when I typed in 'Fool', it was the same title but not the same artist.

Friday 4 January 2013

People can change

So a lot of my friends, including myself has changed this year. I myself, hated Korean songs before, but as most of my readers know, I'm into CNBLUE right now, and I also listen to some SNSD songs. And I'm becoming a little more hardworking but I don't think it's going to last because it's the beginning of the year, everyone is determined but in the end, nothing will change. And my friends, they definitely changed but I can't tell you specifically how they changed, you can call me a fuckin retard but I just get the feeling when I talk to them, it's like that isn't the person I know anymore. And the last thing that obviously changed is most of the students, last year, whatever class it is, we will be noisy and don't give a fuck about the teacher, but for some unknown reason, this year, whatever class it is, we will be so quiet and it's just fuckin weird and a little uncomfortable, and also, like the posted says, it's kinda sad.
If you're one of my usual readers you should know that I'm totally in love with CNBLUE right now. Well, not totally in love but I really like their song. And their way more natural than other K-Pop bands I know, for example I think TOP from Big Bang dyed his hair blue, I don't know if he thought it would be funny or he wanted to get more fans somehow or what but it's just a little abnormal. I don't think that any of CNBLUE's members ever did anything extreme, and they still remain so awesome. I hope they can get more famous, they really have talent.


So I was watching CNBLUE's concert and I really loved it except for one thing, the fangirls. Every time a good song comes out they scream, and they voices are like a bird, I forgot what bird is it, well to be more specific I forgot what's it called. It was on Finding Nemo, they're white, they move in herds I think, and yeah, that's about what I have to say about that fuckin bird. Anyway, here's the concert video, enjoy~ 

Thursday 3 January 2013


So for some reason I'm listening to some Korean songs right now and I don't understand why people are in love with Big Bang. I mean, the song is okay, but the lyrics don't mean a single thing, or at least I think. Fantastic Baby is a good song, but if you want me to rate it, I'd probably give it 3 stars max. I can't really say that they're song is bad because if it's bad then how can so many people like it, but for me, I don't think they're that good. I'm currently listening to CNBlue, and I think they're songs are a little better than Big Bang.
So this is an English song but CNBLUE sang it, I guess it was hard for them since they don't often speak in English. And, I don't think it's this video but I remember one of the videos, someone commented on the comment section saying that CNBLUE is the best, at first I thought 'This video is probably very old' since a lot of people are crazy for G-Dragon and Big Bang or other bands, but when I looked at when the video was published, it was October 2012, and the comment was posted 2 weeks ago. So I guess there are also people that think the same as me.
And, just saying 'I LOVE CNBLUE!'

Wednesday 2 January 2013

First day of school sucks

So today is the first day of school and man, I was fuckin exhausted. I had to wake up at 6am so I sleep early but sadly I couldn't even get to sleep at 2am! But somehow, I was wide awake in the car, I think it's because I was a little nervous, I knew I was going to be in class with a lot of strangers and some of them are douches.  But when I got in class I was sleepy again, the teacher was so damn boring, and that's not the worst part I had to sit beside a douche girl. Man, the girl was from a good class, she ended up in my class because the fuckin headmaster wanted to mix the students, so there is only 3 good classes and the others, they get mixed. Anyway, sitting next to a girl that was from a good class it's pressuring. Everything I do is weird, for example I wanted to sleep in class but the girl next to me looked at me like I was from another planet. And the other teachers, they are boring as hell too. My Maths teacher, I think he came from Singapore and the way he teaches, he sucks. He can't speak loud, he can't speak Chinese, the numbers he writes on the whiteboard is way too small, he can't control the class. His a horrible teacher if he teaches in front of a lot of people without a mike, I think, but I think if it's a one on one tuition I think it'd be better. And in conclusion, today is boring, tiring and pressuring.