
Wednesday 16 January 2013

School Fund Raising Sucks

So, my school is asking money from people. And you know I'm already sick before they asked people for money, but now they've crossed the damn line! Every time I complain about the school being greedy for money, my mother always says 'It's because the teachers need to eat, if they don't get money how can they eat?' I was like 'What the fuck?!'. If they don't have enough money why do they always waste money on shit! For example, the school just made the canteen larger so they have to celebrate by having a buffet! And when they finished the roof for the basketball court they also had a fuckin buffet! And once, I saw a teacher wasting paper! One small mistake and they have to print another one, and by small mistake, I really mean SMALL! The font is too small, reprint, the font is a little different, reprint, didn't put enough spaces, reprint! If they're so poor that they can't even afford to give the teacher's they're monthly salary then why waste it on paper. And if they can't give the teacher's salary why get more?! And the teachers don't teach! They're discipline teachers that walk around the school all day! So, if you're broke and can't give teachers they're salary, you have to hire more teachers?! What kind of fuckin logic is that?! One of the worst things is they waste so much money on shit but they can't even get enough water for the hostel students to wash their clothes and shower?! Oh and look at the money, that's the money you donate to the school, and the school uses it for shit! SHIT I TELL YOU!!!!

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