
Saturday 30 March 2013

Involute Diow (Involute Hamster)

Involute. This guy has covered a few songs, he even composed his own song, but there's only piano of course. He is amazing, he has a Youtube account by the name of Involute Diow and a Facebook page by the name Involute Hamster.

                                                     Arigatou  by Kokia covered by Involute

The A Team by Ed Sheeran covered by Involute

Involute's own composition, Leaf.

Stop with the Kiyomi videos

So, a lot of girls are acting cute making some video, actually they're not making a video, they're just imitating the person singing it. For some reason people keep saying they're cute. They're not CUTE! You can say a person that just got his head shot of CUTE, but THEY ARE NOT CUTE! Even the song is not cute! How can they say it's a cutie song when it makes people want to puke shit! This is the stupid song that girls are in love with.

This song is already bad enough! I don't want anyone to kill themselves! Please stop! I beg of you!

Thursday 28 March 2013

Blue Moon Concert 2013

For all you CNBLUE fans out there, this is their world tour schedule so far.


Date: April 6th
Venue: Taipei Arena (台北小巨蛋)

Date: April 13th
Venue: Singapore Indoor Stadium

Date: May 4th
Venue: Impact Arena

4.)Hong Kong
Date: May 11th & May 12th (2 days) 
Venue: Asia World Arena

Date: May 25th & May 26th (2 days)
Venue: Jamsil Indoor Stadium

Date: June 1st
Venue: Big Top Sydney

Date: 15th June
Venue: Araneta Coliseum 


Date: August 24th
Venue: Stadium Negara

To all the BOICES and fans that live in other countries, I'm sorry if they don't perform in your country. But who knows, they might add another one. I'm so glad that they're coming to Malaysia, but I guess I have to thank the fans that bought the tickets so fast that they want to perform in Malaysia, and also to all the fans that keep begging them to come. I'm so glad! The best thing is, it's on a Saturday so after school I can go straight to Kuala Lumpur, where the concert will be held because I'm not from Kuala Lumpur, in fact going there will at least take 2-3 hours if the traffic's fine. CNBLUE, SARANGHAEYO~!!!! <3 

G.I. Joe Retaliation Review and Spoilers

So yesterday night I watched G.I. JOE with my cousins and it was AMAZING! But there is one flaw, the girl wearing a red tank top holding 2 swords, she is the flaw. Her name in the movie is Jinx, which pretty much is the perfect name for her since she jinxed she movie. Other than that the movie was so damn awesome! So just a warming, if you don't like spoilers stop reading.
So the Joes went on a mission that the so called President gave them, but they didn't know it was all a trap. The President is actually Zartan, and he planned on killing all of the Joes when they are waiting for security or something. And if you've seen the trailer, they caught Snake Eyes right? But it's not really Snake Eyes, it's Storm Shadow. And you saw the part where Snake Eyes and Jinx were on a cliff and they had to attack the ninjas right? Well, it was okay but I really think the movie would be better if Jinx wasn't in it. So, that's it I guess, there's more but I can't ruin the whole movie for you, only a small part.

Monday 25 March 2013

Lindsey Stirling & Pentatonix (Radioactive)

So my cousin just introduced me to this new song called Radioactive. But it's not sung by the original artists 'Imagine Dragons', it's a cover of the song by Lindsey Stirling and Pentatonix! Here's the video.

So this is my first time hearing about Lindsey Stirling but she is amazing! She also did covers for Assassin's Creed's theme song. I can't believe she likes Assassin's Creed! That is so AWESOME! 

Here is another one of her videos, it's dubstep so if you hate it I recommend you don't listen to it.

Friday 22 March 2013

(Not a solution) YTD Downloader Failed (6) Error

What the fuck is going on with YTD Downloader!? I've been trying to download videos from YOUTUBE and it keeps saying 'Failed (6)..." or something. I've been trying to listen to Highway to Hell on the television with way louder sound and HD but YTD Downloader won't let me! Damn you YTD Downloader, damn you! I just hope this problem gets fixed ASAP! Damn it people of YTD Downloader!

Poi Lam High School Facts

All the sons of bitches, motherfuckers & bitches in one picture.
So, the last post I talked about how the headmaster hates the Gangnam Style performance by the dance club of Poi Lam High School. This time, I'm going to talk about facts about the school. Well, fact number 1, which I think a lot of people know, the fact is the school sucks! You see, this year, a lot of people want to enroll their studies in this school because a lot of people's parents want them to enroll in the GCE O level studies, so this year we have more than 500 new students. So the teachers think they can kick people out of the school, which is why my friends got kicked out! Yeah, they have their reasons but are you fuckin kidding me!? Just because you got more people doesn't mean you can just kick people out of the school. Although, there TONS of students that would love to leave the school, if it weren't because of their friends, they'd already left years ago! And, I heard some bitch has been sending the school complaint letters saying that the school isn't good enough because the PE teacher is sick and they couldn't find another teacher to replace him and also the teachers didn't completely teach them the full chapter. After I heard, I was like 'That bitch is brainless.' I mean come on! What more do you want!? I know I hate the fuckin school but the reasons she keeps writing letter to the school is fuckin stupid! If your kid is so damn hardworking then you'd have no fuckin problems bitch so just shut your asshole! I hate the school because the teachers are being completely unreasonable, not because I hate the teachers. Well, except the discipline teachers of course. The head of discipline department is a bitch, literally. The only thing she talks about is how you embarrass the school by not being tidy or shit like that. Well, if you want a better school then fuckin quit bitch! Why are you still here huh!?

Poi Lam Headmaster a dumb-ass?

If you're not a Poi Lam Private High School student you wouldn't know that about a few weeks ago, there was a performance. I forgot when, all I remember is there was a performance. And the last performance was by the dance club of the school, so when they came on the stage, they didn't dance crappy dances from 100 years go like they usually do, that time they danced a mix which includes songs such as 'Jai Ho' by Pussycat Dolls, Gangnam Style by PSY, I Am The Best by 2NE1,  WakaWaka by Shakira and also other songs I forgot. And for us students it was pretty awesome although the performance wasn't long, mainly it's because the school is usually into classy shit. So anyway, I guess the performance was a little too 'unclassy' or something cuz the headmaster wasn't happy at all. So when a lot of the students found out that the headmaster didn't like it, some of their reactions were 'What the fuck? Why wouldn't he like it? It's so damn awesome!' while the others were like 'Well, what'd you expect from a dickhead?'. When I heard in my mind I was like 'That son of a bitch.' That was the only good performance damn it! Is the headmaster trying to make Poi Lam High School a school where you can't have imagination cuz he's halfway there! Oh if you're wondering why the videos are so clustered and messy, it's because the fuckin blogger can't make us control it well.... 

Thursday 21 March 2013

Exams are bullshit

So, I just finished my monthly exam and it is so damn awesome! Except the fact that we still have one more stupid exams tomorrow! I can't believe they're making us have an exam in Physical Education! The only good thing is this Saturday is a holiday! And we won't need to go to school for a whole damn week! But you know, there are homework but, WHO CARES!? I've been studying my hair out for 2 whole weeks! It's time I got a fuckin break. So enough about me, I'm gonna talk about how exams are bullshit. So I don't know if this only happens in Malaysia does it happen in Asian countries but when we finish our exam papers we can't pass it up. We have to wait for the time to pass, and any normal person would think that's great but it ain't so great buddy. We can't sleep! We have to just sit there like a fuckin retard. And they don't give you anything to do! If we sleep the motherfuckin sons of bitches will wake us up! Especially the discipline teachers, they are so damn annoying! We can't even lay on the damn table! What the fuck is their problem!? So anyway, I guess some people haven't finished their exams or are having their exams after the holiday so, good luck and try to survive without pulling all your hair out. 

Saturday 16 March 2013

CNBLUE 'I'm Sorry' & 'Coffee Shop'

So I know this song is out for a long time but it's so famous in Philippines and also some other countries so I decided to post it. If you don't like Korean songs I guess you can just skip this, but if you're interested you could just listen for a while. This is CNBLUE's 'I'm Sorry'

This is another one of CNBLUE's songs 'Coffee Shop' 

Ave Maria Convent

So my elementary school just had some organization dudes visit them. And those dudes came to our school last year and I guess the guys didn't really like us because we didn't give a fuck about what they said but they girls from AMC paid attention and I guess they really had fun because the page posted some pictures and it SEEMED like they had fun.  This is one of the pictures, the left one if one of my classmates before and she's a great person and funny in that fact but for some reason I'm not really happy about her doing this. It's like they think they're the only school that can be funny and rebellious.

And this is the elementary school, they're not wearing uniforms because it's extra curricular day and they have to wear those pieces of shit. I remember I used to wear em, wearing them makes me feel like a bitch. Anyway, those two are the assistant headmistress of AMC ad those two dudes wearing black T-shirt if the guys from the organization.

You know, those two pictures I posted up there proves that I'm right. The school I used to go to sucks. They think just because that they're famous they are the best in studies. Well, it's wrong! And maybe it's because they are all girls, but they think that they're somewhat awesome. How on earth are they awesome!? And they think they're so damn bad-ass! Do they not know what the meaning of bad-ass means!? They think just because they can talk back to their teachers is very bad-ass! Yeah sure that's pretty fuckin awesome but you don't know how they do it! They make talking back to teachers suck! Well, that's it for today. Sorry for wasting your time talking about shit schools. 

Thursday 7 March 2013


Hey guys, I just remembered what my cousin showed me a few years back. And that is, Vocaloid concert, the songs are okay but sometimes I think 40% of the people go there because they're forever alone. This is Megurine Luka, the song's name is 'Just Be Friends' and this video got more than 2 million views. Not VERY impressive but if you think about it, it is kinda impressive considering it's a fake hologram. Well, for you forever alone-rs out there, at least you got his to enjoy. And if found the full concert of this, can you please leave a link in the comment section below. I wanna enjoy my time with some music, at least that's better than thinking that I'll die with 72 cats.

Wednesday 6 March 2013


My multimedia teacher wants us to do a Powerpoint of our idol, and it kinda sucks. You can't just write it like this: Name: XXX Age: ??. The teacher wanted us to write a full sentence. But anyway, the person I wrote about is the one and only Marshall Bruce Mathers, or better known as EMINEM! Or you know, The Real Slim Shady! The teacher wanted us to do a 10 page Powerpoint, and I finished it. But the part I enjoyed doing most is the page with the quotes. Okay, so before I continue, does it sound weird? The sentence when I said 'the part I enjoyed doing most'? Cause it feels kinda weird. So back to the Powerpoing, I was doing the damn project and there was one more page left and I just thought that Eminem's a successful man, and every successful man has tons of quotes so I searched it online, and I gotta say, his quotes are fuckin awesome! Some of them were bad-mouthing about girls know, whatever. So, anyway, here's some pictures of Eminem and his quotes!

Tuesday 5 March 2013

School 'Diary'

So our fuckin-ass school wants us to write some sort of weekly diary or some shit. And you'd think that it'll be easy because all you have to do is write about your weekend or shit, well it ain't that fuckin easy, you have to write about your school's activities, recent events, THEN you get to write shit, not that the others aren't shit. Anyway, that's not all, you have to find some new and paste it in the book and write how you FEEL! Who the fuck do you think we are!? Hippies!? And this counts as HOMEWORK! The teachers said that it was to get to know us better, well FUCK YOU! You think you can scold them 24/7 and we'll just simply write to you how we feel about you guys treating us, and our feelings!? I don't even tell my parents let alone teachers! Dumb-assess...........