All the sons of bitches, motherfuckers & bitches in one picture. |
So, the last post I talked about how the headmaster hates the Gangnam Style performance by the dance club of Poi Lam High School. This time, I'm going to talk about facts about the school. Well, fact number 1, which I think a lot of people know, the fact is the school sucks! You see, this year, a lot of people want to enroll their studies in this school because a lot of people's parents want them to enroll in the GCE O level studies, so this year we have more than 500 new students. So the teachers think they can kick people out of the school, which is why my friends got kicked out! Yeah, they have their reasons but are you fuckin kidding me!? Just because you got more people doesn't mean you can just kick people out of the school. Although, there TONS of students that would love to leave the school, if it weren't because of their friends, they'd already left years ago! And, I heard some bitch has been sending the school complaint letters saying that the school isn't good enough because the PE teacher is sick and they couldn't find another teacher to replace him and also the teachers didn't completely teach them the full chapter. After I heard, I was like 'That bitch is brainless.' I mean come on! What more do you want!? I know I hate the fuckin school but the reasons she keeps writing letter to the school is fuckin stupid! If your kid is so damn hardworking then you'd have no fuckin problems bitch so just shut your asshole! I hate the school because the teachers are being completely unreasonable, not because I hate the teachers. Well, except the discipline teachers of course. The head of discipline department is a bitch, literally. The only thing she talks about is how you embarrass the school by not being tidy or shit like that. Well, if you want a better school then fuckin quit bitch! Why are you still here huh!?