
Thursday 21 March 2013

Exams are bullshit

So, I just finished my monthly exam and it is so damn awesome! Except the fact that we still have one more stupid exams tomorrow! I can't believe they're making us have an exam in Physical Education! The only good thing is this Saturday is a holiday! And we won't need to go to school for a whole damn week! But you know, there are homework but, WHO CARES!? I've been studying my hair out for 2 whole weeks! It's time I got a fuckin break. So enough about me, I'm gonna talk about how exams are bullshit. So I don't know if this only happens in Malaysia does it happen in Asian countries but when we finish our exam papers we can't pass it up. We have to wait for the time to pass, and any normal person would think that's great but it ain't so great buddy. We can't sleep! We have to just sit there like a fuckin retard. And they don't give you anything to do! If we sleep the motherfuckin sons of bitches will wake us up! Especially the discipline teachers, they are so damn annoying! We can't even lay on the damn table! What the fuck is their problem!? So anyway, I guess some people haven't finished their exams or are having their exams after the holiday so, good luck and try to survive without pulling all your hair out. 

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