
Tuesday 5 March 2013

School 'Diary'

So our fuckin-ass school wants us to write some sort of weekly diary or some shit. And you'd think that it'll be easy because all you have to do is write about your weekend or shit, well it ain't that fuckin easy, you have to write about your school's activities, recent events, THEN you get to write shit, not that the others aren't shit. Anyway, that's not all, you have to find some new and paste it in the book and write how you FEEL! Who the fuck do you think we are!? Hippies!? And this counts as HOMEWORK! The teachers said that it was to get to know us better, well FUCK YOU! You think you can scold them 24/7 and we'll just simply write to you how we feel about you guys treating us, and our feelings!? I don't even tell my parents let alone teachers! Dumb-assess...........

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