
Saturday 27 April 2013


So right now, the Barisan National people are in front of my house, at my garden playing shit music. And I WAS SLEEPING!!! And like that's not bad enough, I can't watch television because the damn music's too damn loud! You know what BN, if you want us to vote for you then you better stop waking people up  by playing shitty music and stop interrupting us! Don't get me wrong, I was never going to vote for them, not that I can, but still, there might be people that would want to vote for them in my neighborhood and guess what!? Their all gone!!!!!! GONE I TELL YA! You sons of bitches better stop the fuckin music before I stop your lives! And, the louder I turn up my tv, they turn theirs too! DO YOU WANT ME TO FUCKIN MURDER YOU!? SAY NO TO BN! YOU DOUCHE-BAGS RUINED MY SLEEP AND YOU EXPECT US TO VOTE FOR YOU!?

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