
Tuesday 25 June 2013

Malaysia Air Pollution 2013

So as most people of the earth knows, the air pollution is killing us. But apparently, the Indians don't realize that! Now some of the countries like Johor can't even breathe! Are you kidding me!? Yeah, it's great for some people to have a few days of holidays but still, our school still have to go to school since I'm not in Johor and all, and still, you know how freakin hard it is to breathe! And some people might even have lung cancer already! So, you want half the Asian population to die!? You know how racist that is!? So what if we all look alike!? That doesn't mean we should die! Geez, you'd think they'd realize that since they're the ones that gets affected the most. Well, although I hate this haze, I honestly hope I won't have to attend school tomorrow.
Air pollution Index >>>>>

Saturday 22 June 2013


I know a lot of people love Skrillex including me so...

First Of The Year (Equinox)

Make It Burn Dem



Scary Monsters and Nice Spirites

More Skrillex on

Extra Curricular Activities

As everyone knows, all schools have extra curricular activities which I totally think is pointless. Alright, I don't think it's completely useless, I just think that it's stupid that my school only permits 1 person to join a maximum of 2 activities. It's not fair, and you know, they said we can quit if we don't like it anymore which they were totally lying! I wanted to quit the scout and they didn't even think about it! The teacher in charge was like "Scout? Get out!" I was so damn mad! Do you know how hard it is!? Of course he doesn't, he never gets yelled at while everyone else gets yelled at by him! Jackass. Anyway, it's not that I disagree that students should join or participate in extra activities, but that doesn't mean you can force them to join it. They can join whatever they want, they can quit whenever they want, they can choose whether or not they want to join. Yeah, we know, if we don't join our chances of getting some scholarship later on will be 100 times harder, but that's our life, we don't need anyone to run our lives. Plus, till this day I still do not understand why my school (Poi Lam High School SUWA) refuses to let students join more than 1 or 2 extra curricular activities, they also refuse to open up new groups or clubs such as drama clubs, guitar clubs or anything else, what if we hate running around like some retard and we like to perform huh!? Huh!? AND, it's not like all clubs will get trips or anything, they just rot in school while other clubs in other schools get to see so many things and earn so many experience! Tsk, sometimes I just want the fuckin retard head can rot in hell, or you know, gets killed in his dreams, you know, like Nightmare on Elm Street. Man, if I was death God, I would so make so many people die, call me cruel but I don't kill people for petty reasons like jealousy. And also, here is the link to our fuckin retard school, it's in Chinese so I'm hoping you have a good translator.

Saturday 15 June 2013


I don't know why men like porn so much. Now, don't get the wrong idea, I don't hate porn, I just don't love it as much as most men do. It's just.....Not hot enough, I mean, the girls in most free porn video, I mean yeah, they have tits and a pussy  but still, not as good. They just go gasp most of the time, of just make unappealing moaning sounds, have men ever heard good moaning sounds?! I heard some girls moan accidentally and they can make men get huge boners! These girls, they moan as hard as they can but they still suck dick, literally. Anyway, if you ask me, porn books are better, you know like 50 shades of grey. So, that's all I have to say for now. Well, I guess most men are expecting pornography, so here is the link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
There are much more, know, I bet you can find them yourself.
And for women that wants to read 50 Shades of Grey, I haven't read it but I have read a few pages of Chapter 8, mainly because that's where the sex starts. I'll post it in the next post, but it's pretty long.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Country Music (K ROSE)

I don't know why but recently I keep listening to country songs, not the one below (GTA K Rose Radio Station).  But you know, I know some people like listening to GTA's K Rose so here it is.

This is my personal favorite, it's not in the GTA K Rose playlist, it's a scout song, my brother's scout song anyway. Our scout song is Linkin Park.
There's no music video, as far as I know. And there are other artists that sung this song but this is the best.
Louisiana Saturday Night

I apologize for those people who hate country music.

Monday 10 June 2013

Chinese Asian

You know something about Chinese Asians, they're fuckin annoying. I'm a Chinese, and I don't know if it's only my parents or it's everyone's but man do they care about results. That's not news I get it but whenever you see Asian stereotypes on television, they aren't exactly correct but they aren't wrong either. For example this video

Family Guy (Asians In-Law)

I know you guys are laughing like shit when you're watching this but the sad thing is, it's true. For example, if this was my parents, they wouldn't ask it directly, they'd take the guy out for dinner, and they'd ask tons of questions, and then they decide whether or not you're going to be a family member.

You doctor yet?

This video, sadly is also true.
Being a Chinese, it really sucks, lately I don't know why but I'm pretty depressed. At one point last night midnight, I cried. It's just, at one point in every Asian's life, you wanna kill yourself, somehow the urge to kill one self has struck me earlier than I thought. I always thought I'd be at least over 20. But no. Anyway, I told my parents 'Dying is great, don't you agree?'. I was kinda hinting at my mother that I kinda have the urge to kill myself, and her response was 'Whatever, just pack your bags and go to bed.'

Well, um, hold on, before I continue, say the sentence I'm about to write with a stereotype Asian voice like in the videos. At least she didn't say 'Sure no problem. As long as you do it after you become doctor.'

Dragon Boat Festival

So, yesterday the Chinese celebrated the 'Dragon Boat Festival' or in Chinese, 'Duan Wu Festival'.. Truth be told, I don't know if it's yesterday, tomorrow or today, all I know is it's in June. So I know most people don't give a shit about how this festival started and it's origin so I'm gonna tell you how my school celebrated it, and if you want to know it's origin, the link is below the post. Anyway, my school celebrated it during the assembly, and it was so fuckin depressing. You know, my school is known for having depressing events. Even last year, when the graduates were having their graduation ceremony, they had to wear formal shirts, and I don't think that's even formal, they looked way more like waiters and waitresses! And they can't even have fun, the fuckin dickhead headmaster would kill us if it was even a little fun. Back to the point, when we entered the hall, the assistant headmistress was saying shit like 'When I was young....', nobody fuckin cares what you did when you were a kid. And when she was finally finished her speech after 20 minutes, which I personally felt like eternity, some other guy came up the stage and told us how the festival started. First of all, nobody gives a shit! Second of all, we already know the damn story! And like that wasn't bad enough, when the dance club or something came up on the stage, they didn't dance anything modern, one of the reasons being the assistant headmistress would kill if we did anything like that, last year, they danced a mix of different songs including gangnam style and the headmaster was so fuckin pissed! Anyway, they danced old dances like in the olden days, and I don't know if it was just me but the way they danced, they kinda look like snakes. They're heads kept moving... Well, anyway, good luck

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Russell Peters

So, I don't know why but I keep watching Russell Peters stand up show for some reason which is kinda crazy since I know Russell Peters for a long time and I just suddenly want to watch it. Anyway, you notice he always talks about the same race, Indians, black and Chinese. I don't feel offended, in fact I think it's hilarious but sometimes I just wonder why he doesn't talk about Koreans more. I don't hate Koreans or anything it's just, well they're way too overrated and the way they speak English, you have no idea what the fuck they're trying to say. Either way, I still love Russell Peters, he's freakin awesome.


I know I haven't posted in a while, but you know how people are, they're lazy. But um, this time I'm not gonna talk about holidays, I'm gonna talk about asthma, mainly because I asked my mother to write a letter to get me out of running 5 rounds around the damn field and she refused. And she didn't refuse because I don't have it, it's because she doesn't think that I have it! I went to damn fuckin hospital! They fuckin proved it! Alright, I admit, it has gotten a teeny bit better over the years, but it's still hard, I still sometimes get asthma attacks. Unlike some people I know how to control it, given that it's not that critical, if it is I usually end up extremely hard to breathe. But my mother doesn't give a shit, she thinks that I use asthma as a fucked up excuse to get out of work. Yeah I might have gotten out of some work, but that doesn't mean that I don't have asthma. I think the main reason she doesn't believe me is because I can control it most of the time. And, when I was 12, I hated school more than anything so I tried to get out of it, even if it means risking my health. I learned how to control it, I also learned how to act like I had asthma, so by the end of the year I had asthma nearly every day,so I always get out of school early. But it's not really that great, after about 5-10 minutes of acting, you really get asthma, you can't breathe at all. But still, at least I got out of school. Anyway, ever since then my mother never trusted me on any damn sickness I have. Once I was sick, I coughed myself to death and she still wanted me to go to school, she said "It's discipline." Discipline my ass! When I'm sick, she wants me to go to school 97% is because she doesn't trust me, 3% is because of discipline. You know, she just doesn't get how hard not breathing is! That's because she's a little princess! Every fuckin time she's out of breathe, she can rest, when we're out of breathe, we can't rest!