
Saturday 15 June 2013


I don't know why men like porn so much. Now, don't get the wrong idea, I don't hate porn, I just don't love it as much as most men do. It's just.....Not hot enough, I mean, the girls in most free porn video, I mean yeah, they have tits and a pussy  but still, not as good. They just go gasp most of the time, of just make unappealing moaning sounds, have men ever heard good moaning sounds?! I heard some girls moan accidentally and they can make men get huge boners! These girls, they moan as hard as they can but they still suck dick, literally. Anyway, if you ask me, porn books are better, you know like 50 shades of grey. So, that's all I have to say for now. Well, I guess most men are expecting pornography, so here is the link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
There are much more, know, I bet you can find them yourself.
And for women that wants to read 50 Shades of Grey, I haven't read it but I have read a few pages of Chapter 8, mainly because that's where the sex starts. I'll post it in the next post, but it's pretty long.

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