
Monday 10 June 2013

Chinese Asian

You know something about Chinese Asians, they're fuckin annoying. I'm a Chinese, and I don't know if it's only my parents or it's everyone's but man do they care about results. That's not news I get it but whenever you see Asian stereotypes on television, they aren't exactly correct but they aren't wrong either. For example this video

Family Guy (Asians In-Law)

I know you guys are laughing like shit when you're watching this but the sad thing is, it's true. For example, if this was my parents, they wouldn't ask it directly, they'd take the guy out for dinner, and they'd ask tons of questions, and then they decide whether or not you're going to be a family member.

You doctor yet?

This video, sadly is also true.
Being a Chinese, it really sucks, lately I don't know why but I'm pretty depressed. At one point last night midnight, I cried. It's just, at one point in every Asian's life, you wanna kill yourself, somehow the urge to kill one self has struck me earlier than I thought. I always thought I'd be at least over 20. But no. Anyway, I told my parents 'Dying is great, don't you agree?'. I was kinda hinting at my mother that I kinda have the urge to kill myself, and her response was 'Whatever, just pack your bags and go to bed.'

Well, um, hold on, before I continue, say the sentence I'm about to write with a stereotype Asian voice like in the videos. At least she didn't say 'Sure no problem. As long as you do it after you become doctor.'

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