
Saturday 22 June 2013

Extra Curricular Activities

As everyone knows, all schools have extra curricular activities which I totally think is pointless. Alright, I don't think it's completely useless, I just think that it's stupid that my school only permits 1 person to join a maximum of 2 activities. It's not fair, and you know, they said we can quit if we don't like it anymore which they were totally lying! I wanted to quit the scout and they didn't even think about it! The teacher in charge was like "Scout? Get out!" I was so damn mad! Do you know how hard it is!? Of course he doesn't, he never gets yelled at while everyone else gets yelled at by him! Jackass. Anyway, it's not that I disagree that students should join or participate in extra activities, but that doesn't mean you can force them to join it. They can join whatever they want, they can quit whenever they want, they can choose whether or not they want to join. Yeah, we know, if we don't join our chances of getting some scholarship later on will be 100 times harder, but that's our life, we don't need anyone to run our lives. Plus, till this day I still do not understand why my school (Poi Lam High School SUWA) refuses to let students join more than 1 or 2 extra curricular activities, they also refuse to open up new groups or clubs such as drama clubs, guitar clubs or anything else, what if we hate running around like some retard and we like to perform huh!? Huh!? AND, it's not like all clubs will get trips or anything, they just rot in school while other clubs in other schools get to see so many things and earn so many experience! Tsk, sometimes I just want the fuckin retard head can rot in hell, or you know, gets killed in his dreams, you know, like Nightmare on Elm Street. Man, if I was death God, I would so make so many people die, call me cruel but I don't kill people for petty reasons like jealousy. And also, here is the link to our fuckin retard school, it's in Chinese so I'm hoping you have a good translator.

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