
Friday 10 May 2013


The above picture is what appeared not long after BN won by cheating. The words in red is the main thing as you might have already know, it means 'What more do Chinese want?' What more do we want!? What more do we want!? Are you fuckin kidding me!? Malaysia is the place where Malaysian lives, not Malay, Chinese, Indian, Iban, Kadazan or Punjab. Just Malaysia. Why all of you from BN still can't get it?? Today, Najib promised to be a Prime Minister for all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, state or political views. 'I love my country and I'm proud of how far we have progressed. And I know that by working together as one nation, our best days are still to come,' he said in the latest entry in his blog,
'I apologize when some people feel offended by my post but Najib won't apologize even all Malaysians were angry with his statements.' said the administrator of 'Say No To Najib'
Geez, you BN people still don't get it.... You know, the people of BN and a lot of people that voted for BN hates Chinese now, why? Because they think  we're gonna beat them up or some kind of shit. And they say that we're racist, who's the one that's being racist. I CLEARLY remember once a Malay teacher scolded a Chinese kid just because he was eating during they're fasting month, meaning they can't eat anything. They can eat, but only at certain times. Anyway, you know why the teacher scolded the kid? Because he was eating in front of them and he/she said 'Balik China lar!', 'Balik' means go back. So are you saying we're not Malaysian!? We're from China!? Is that what you're saying!? Is that 1 Malaysia!? You know why the teacher said that? Because the government has always sided the Malays no matter what, Chinese work hard and get nothing while they get everything without lifting a finger. Okay, I may have made it a little fake but I think you get my point.

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