
Wednesday 8 May 2013

Underachieving Asian.

So, my exams are starting next week and I'm crying. Not because I'm nervous, it's because I'm a Chinese Asian and I suck at Chinese and Mathematics. Ironic isn't it? I know it's ironic but I REALLY suck! At one point I thought I was adopted! And you foreigners keep saying that Asians' Mathematics are like God but you're pretty much insulting me and my friends but mostly me. My Maths suck so bad sometimes that I even forget what's 7-3, once I nearly said 3! Well, I guess I'm probably the most stupid and the most dumb Asian ever huh? Well, in my defense I don't know if it's because I have a major phobia of doing Mathematics equations in front of my friends, family and teachers. So, who knows? But still, I'm still pretty upset, being such a dumb-ass and all... I know everyone has their weak point but you got to give me Maths to be my weak point!? I mean I'm Asian, it hurts! Do you have any idea what it's like to be surrounded by Maths geniuses when you're a fuckin dumb-ass!? And I mean literally, my parents, my teachers, my friends, my siblings, they're all geniuses! They don't know how I feel when I can't answer their questions. Yeah usually people would guess that I feel stupid but Asians don't have senses for these kind of things. Why do you think Asians always scold or lecture people for no good reason? Hey, you know, maybe I'm not Asian, I mean come on, Asians have the Mathematics blood in them and since I don't, there's a huge chance that I'm not Asian! Woooo!! I'm adopted! I'm hoping!
I have to apologize, it's just I'm feeling pretty stupid right now and I have to comfort myself, I do that a lot. I always say to myself 'You're not stupid.' but let's face it, I'm dumb as fuck.Well, my point is, it's hard being an underachieving Asian....

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