
Friday 3 May 2013

My mum's mad again..

Guess what, my mum's mad at me AGAIN. She's mad at me because I said some people are douche-bags, well to be more specific I said some people are brainless. I said it because she said that we shouldn't threaten people which I totally agree, but by threaten she also meant the sentence 'For the safety of yourself do not say that word again.' To make it clear, I didn't say it and the guy that said it didn't mean that HE was gonna do anything, that guy just meant we shouldn't say that word. And my mum said that if someone were to say that to her she'd cry and call the cops. So anyway, I was mad because it kinda reminded me of my Scout Master and I was so damn mad that I just said it. I swear, I was so damn mad, that fuckin Scout Master can say all kinds of shit, insult all he wants, threaten us all he likes and we can't say a damn thing, and some guy says that to her and she'll cry and call the damn police!? And she says that I shouldn't quit scout, if she doesn't want me to quit then she better do some changes herself! And by the way, if you're wondering why I put Claire's photo, it's because they look the same. 

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