
Thursday 30 August 2012

Eminem-A** Like That

The way you shake it, I can't believe it
I ain't never seen an ass like that
The way you move it, you make my pee pee go
Doing, doing, doing

I don't believe it, it's almost too good to be true
I ain't never seen an ass like that
The way you move it, you make my pee pee go
Doing, doing, doing

The way she moves she's like a belly dancer
She's shaking that ass to that new nelly jam, I
Think someones at the door
But I don't think I'm gonna answer
Police saying "freeze"
Doing, doing, doing
What do you mean freeze?
Please, I'm a human being, I have needs
I'm not done, not till I'm finish peeing
I am not resisting arrest, I am agreeing Mr. Officer
I'm already on my knees
I can't get on the ground any further, it's impossible for me
And do not treat me like a murderer, I just like to pee, pee, pee
Yes, I make r&b, I sing song it go
Ring-a-chong, a-ching-chong-chong-chong-ching
Psych, I joke, I joke, I kidd, I kidd
If I offend I'm sorry, please, please forgive
For I am Triumph, the puppet dog, I am a mere puppet
I can get away with anything I sing, you will love it

The way you shake it, I can't believe it
I ain't never seen an ass like that
The way you move it, you make my pee pee go
Doing, doing, doing

Jessica Simpson, looks oh so temptin'
Nick I ain't never seen an ass like that
Everytime I see that show on MTV my pee pee goes
Doing, doing, doing

Mary-Kate and Ashley used to be so wholesome
Now they're getting older, they're starting to grow bum bums
I go to the movies and sit down with my pop corn
Police saying "freeze"
Doing doing doing
What do you mean freeze?
Geez, I just got my seat
I have ticket, look, I put away my zip-reciept
Please do not remove me from this movie theater please

I did not even get to see Mary-Kate shower scene
I didn't mean to be obscene or make a great big scene
And don't treat me like I'm pee wee herman, this movies PG
Mr. Officer, I demand to see my attorney
I will simply plead innocent, cop a plea and be free
Free, yes, free, right back on the streets
What you mean my lawyer's with Michael, he's too busy?
I am Triumph, Britney Spears has shoulders like a man
And I can say that and you'll laugh cuz that is a puppet on my hand

The way you shake it, I can't believe it
I ain't never seen an ass like that
The way you move it, you make my pee pee go
Doing, doing, doing

Hilary Duff is not quite old enough so
I ain't never seen a butt like that
Maybe next year I'll say ass and she'll make my pee pee go
Doing, doing, doing

The way she moves she dances like a go-go
In that video she sings get out your poles, so
I need a new boyfriend, hi my name is JoJo
Police saying "freeze"
Doing, doing, doing
What do you mean freeze?
My computers would be seized and my keys to my ranch
I just baked cookies Mr. Officer, looky, take a whiff of these
Here, I make Jesus juice, take a sip of this
Nobody is safe from me, no not even me
I don't even know if I can say the word pee pee, pee
On the radio, but I think I did
Janet, is that a breast, I think I just saw a tit
Psych, I joke, I joke, I kidd, I kidd
I don't think my joke is working, I must flee quick
Get to the chopper, everybody get out
I am not Triumph, I am Arnold, get down

The way you shake it, I can't believe it
I ain't never seen an ass like that
The way you move it, you make my pee pee go
Doing, doing, doing

So Gwen Stefani, will you pee pee on me please?
I ain't never seen an ass like that
Cuz the way you move it, you make my pee pee go
Doing, doing, doing

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Relaxation Day Ruined

Are you kidding me?! This Friday is supposed to be my "relaxation day" but I can't relax as much because I still have to wake up next morning and go to school! I mean, you have a holiday this Friday and you have to go to school the second day but you don't have to go to school on the third day because it's SUNDAY! It would make more sense if they just make it a special holiday on Saturday! Why do they have to let us have a holiday then a school day then another holiday! That doesn't make any sense! Well, if they have a holiday on Tuesday I wouldn't be glad but I wouldn't be as upset as this because other school usually don't have to go to school on Saturdays. I just hate my headmaster for not approving a special holiday on Saturday! Well I don't exactly hate it because of that particular reason but I'm still not happy because there's no holiday on Saturday. And I still hate the headmaster for another reason, he's also like my Scout Master. Sometimes I think they're both related because they both have the same last name and they both look kind of alike and the way they get mad at you is also the same! At first, I still had hope because maybe the headmaster can fire him or something but if they're really related, I'm dead. Anyway, I'm getting off topic. I WANT HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!

Sunday 26 August 2012

Changing URL

I'm changing the URL for this blog. For those who suck at computers, URL means web address, if you still don't understand what it is, I'll give an example: I want to change it because my URL is "" and the word "will' doesn't have an "i' in it. And I can't add the letter "i" in it because it's already taken. Anyway, I think I'm gonna change it to "". I'm gonna change it this Friday. I want to put that URL "inoenothin" not because I really know nothing. I just can't think of anything and I kinda like it. Okay, so that's it.

Saturday 25 August 2012


1 more day and I have to go to school again. I really feel like crying! The teachers there suck! Most of my classmates suck! Almost everything in there are dumb-assess! Sometimes I wonder if they're even human! Yeah, sure there are some people that I really like but there are more people that I hate. The people that I hate are the same as what 9gaggers hate. You know Justin Bieber lovers, girls who love making duck faces, they don't even know what on earth is 9gag! How can you not know that. Well, some of them do but the ones that do know usually likes those post translated. I don't mind if you translate a post from 9gag or anything but for some reason they want it to be a Malaysian version of 9gag. If that's patriotism they're doing it wrong, if anything they're insulting it. They try to make it sound like we're cool, I mean come on! Malaysians aren't cool! Yes, a lot of sentences usually ends with "meh", "wor" etc. And we also mix languages when we talk, like we can use Hokkien, Cantonese, Chinese, English and sometimes even Bahasa Malaysia in a single sentence. But when they post it they make it sound like we're douches. One of the reasons I like Malaysia is because of that, but my friends can even make that suck. I mean, when you see the comics they'll make you want to kill yourself. Thinking that I have to face those people that ruined nearly everything that's fun for me, I really just want to cry! My cousin says "Look on the bright side, we don't have to go to school this Friday." It's Malaysia's Independence Day this Friday but that isn't good enough! I HATE THURSDAYS! Every Thursday we have ECA, which stands for Extra Curricular Activities and I hate it! Well, we have it every Thursday and Saturday, but on Thursday it's for organizations like Brass Band and Scout. And apparently, I'm in scout. If you have read my previous posts, one of my Scout Master sucks like hell! He's a complete dumb-ass, jackass, douche!


Dear Lord, it's almost time for school again. I can't stop thinking how I'll suffer, I just hate students the same year as I am. Yes, they are the same age as me but they know nothing about great movies, English songs etc. They listen to Korean songs, well.. I do too but at least I'm not addicted to it, they talk about the ones they like. And they like them because they're good looking or beautiful or something like that. And I heard some of the songs they recommended... And they aren't that good, they say it like it's the best song they've ever heard but I wasn't that impressed with it. Besides that, they don't know famous movies like "Step Up Revolution", "Batman The Dark Knight Rises", "Men In Black", "Harry Potter" etc. The ones that know them think the movies suck, sure different people like different things. But almost everyone same age as me thinks those movies suck! If it's only a few people I wouldn't be that bothered about it but tons of them hate it! And their English...... IT SUCKS LIKE HELL!!! They're standards are the same standards as my English teacher. These are a few examples of my classmate's and English teacher's English:

1. Please not make me angry
2.My first kiss give my dog talk already.
3. You say you cannot forget he........

There are lots of other examples but I don't really want to type it. It's fine if they say "My English is bad, forgive me" or something like that. But they think they're English is good. The first one is what my English teacher always say when we're noisy. And the second sentence, I don't even know what that means. So your dog gave a talk about your first kiss??? I understand the sentence because I listen to English like that ever since Elementary school but still... It sucks! And the third one, what is wrong with them?! The worst part, my English teacher somehow thinks it's right. Sure, if you're joking about it, it's fine. I know they're not joking because my teacher said one of the sentence, and my friend wrote sentences like these during the exam. And they got it right somehow. I'm starting to wonder if they bribed the teacher into giving them high marks or something.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Gangnam Style

This video is called Gangnam Style from Korea. And it's so famous, I think it might be more famous than the K-POP singers, Big Bang or SNSD Girls Generation. I'm not quite sure because I'm not a fan and I don't know how many views they can get per day. But this song is quite catchy, I don't know what he's saying, I also don't know if it's some sort of inappropriate video I shouldn't be showing but like I said, I know nothing about this video besides it's Korean.

2012 Kampar Camp

This holiday, there was a camp in Kampar, Kuala Lumpur. Scouts from other countries like Hong Kong and Taiwan also participated in this camp. I didn't go to the camp because I didn't feel like it but my friends did. And they returned, and they also posted the pictures that they took during the camp.

This is a group photo of my friends that participated in the camp. The middle one wearing the yellow shirt is one of our Scout Masters, I think. I think he got a haircut or something so I can't really tell if it's him.

This is one of the photos my friend took when she was there, and it is just beautiful.

This is also another picture taken by the same person but I think this is way more beautiful than the last one.

This as you can see, is the participant's card or something. I'm not exactly sure what it is but it's kind of cute.

This is apparently one of my favorite. Three of my friends riding a bicycle for some reason.

This is where the guys sleep. It's great compared to what we have to sleep on during our school camp. We have to sleep together in one tent, no matter if you're a girl or a boy. But you can bond during that time.

This is a group photo with the scouts from Hong Kong. The girls from Hong Kong are beautiful. I just hope my guy friends didn't hit on them.

Well, that's it. Actually I have more photos in my computer but I don't want to post it.

Friday 17 August 2012

Elementary School and High School...

Ever since I've gone into high school I sometimes go back to my elementary school because I kind of miss my friends and some of my old teachers. And I am perfectly happy in my new school.  Yeah, I know I miss my friends and I want to go back to see them but that doesn't mean that I want to transfer schools! Well, a lot of people think that I miss my old school and they also think that I really want to transfer. They even think that I'm depressed because I liked a guy and he had a girlfriend so I knew that it wouldn't happen. And yes, he kind of rejected me but I'm not upset. Is that really that hard to believe? And, I really like my high-school (Poi Lam High School (SUWA), translation Poi Lam Private High School. Yes, it's a private high-school so that means the standards are higher. I'm at the 4th class and if you compare my grades to my classmates I'm kind of good. I'm not the best but I'm at least in the middle. Anyway, I know I like to go back to my elementary school to find my old teachers and old friends but please, I don't want to transfer back. I have other friends too you know, so yes, that means that I don't mind staying in my current school.

Thursday 16 August 2012


Damn it! It's finally the holidays but I can't seem to enjoy my 1st day of the holiday..... Yes, it's Hari Raya Aidilfitri and of course we Malaysians will celebrate it. Anyway, there's just been something in my mind that keeps bugging me. It's at the same time about my love life and also at the same time not about my love life. But I don't think I want to say it on the internet, it'll probably embarrass that guy. Anyway, I just hope this thing doesn't get to me that much to ruin my one week holiday. I know it's only one week but to me, it's like being in heaven for a week, if my parents won't control me that much. They always say I can play until I've gone nuts during the holidays but they always stop me before I reach that stage yet. They say that I've played too much and that I've gone nuts according to them. And every time I say "You said I can play until I've gone nuts but you never really do!" and they're reply will usually be "You play even on weekdays!". I sort of promised that I wouldn't play during the weekdays but come on! 5 days without internet, and no good shows on television and no games. What do you do?! Nothing! Parents usually think that they can let us focus on our studies if we don't play but I think it's the opposite, if we don't play we think about it when we study so we STILL lose our focus in the end. Anyway, I wish I can have a great holiday this time. The last holiday was... Okay... But I want to play until I've really gone nuts, sleep until noon etc. this holiday. 

Oh, and Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all those who will/are celebrating it~