
Wednesday 29 August 2012

Relaxation Day Ruined

Are you kidding me?! This Friday is supposed to be my "relaxation day" but I can't relax as much because I still have to wake up next morning and go to school! I mean, you have a holiday this Friday and you have to go to school the second day but you don't have to go to school on the third day because it's SUNDAY! It would make more sense if they just make it a special holiday on Saturday! Why do they have to let us have a holiday then a school day then another holiday! That doesn't make any sense! Well, if they have a holiday on Tuesday I wouldn't be glad but I wouldn't be as upset as this because other school usually don't have to go to school on Saturdays. I just hate my headmaster for not approving a special holiday on Saturday! Well I don't exactly hate it because of that particular reason but I'm still not happy because there's no holiday on Saturday. And I still hate the headmaster for another reason, he's also like my Scout Master. Sometimes I think they're both related because they both have the same last name and they both look kind of alike and the way they get mad at you is also the same! At first, I still had hope because maybe the headmaster can fire him or something but if they're really related, I'm dead. Anyway, I'm getting off topic. I WANT HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!

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