
Wednesday 1 August 2012

Unlucky Day

I was so damn unlucky today. I was talking during one of the classes and I got caught by the monitor and the discipline teacher requested that he wants the people that are talking in class down in the disciplinary office. Well, that sucks but on the bright side it wasn't just me. The girl sitting next to me also got caught because we were talking to each other and there are also a lot of boys that got caught too. Well, I would've felt better if there were more girls, me and my friend was the only one that got caught talking but there were so many more girls talking but the monitor didn't even write down their names. But what really disturbs me is that our former monitor and our current 2nd monitor was also talking but were they brought down to the disciplinary office? NO! What the hell?! They were talking as well but they didn't get caught! That's so damn unfair! I don't know whether our monitor has feelings towards the former monitor or what but she never ever wrote down his name! I would feel so much better if he got brought down with us because he was one of the most noisy ones. I was just talking to the girl sitting  beside me! It's so damn unfair! And I just found out that I got demerit! Well, that was my fault for switching test papers with the student in front of me. But in my defense I didn't copy any answers because we didn't know the same thing. If only I were more careful, I wouldn't have got caught on camera.

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