
Wednesday 22 August 2012

2012 Kampar Camp

This holiday, there was a camp in Kampar, Kuala Lumpur. Scouts from other countries like Hong Kong and Taiwan also participated in this camp. I didn't go to the camp because I didn't feel like it but my friends did. And they returned, and they also posted the pictures that they took during the camp.

This is a group photo of my friends that participated in the camp. The middle one wearing the yellow shirt is one of our Scout Masters, I think. I think he got a haircut or something so I can't really tell if it's him.

This is one of the photos my friend took when she was there, and it is just beautiful.

This is also another picture taken by the same person but I think this is way more beautiful than the last one.

This as you can see, is the participant's card or something. I'm not exactly sure what it is but it's kind of cute.

This is apparently one of my favorite. Three of my friends riding a bicycle for some reason.

This is where the guys sleep. It's great compared to what we have to sleep on during our school camp. We have to sleep together in one tent, no matter if you're a girl or a boy. But you can bond during that time.

This is a group photo with the scouts from Hong Kong. The girls from Hong Kong are beautiful. I just hope my guy friends didn't hit on them.

Well, that's it. Actually I have more photos in my computer but I don't want to post it.

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