
Friday 3 August 2012

Stupid Facebook Posts...

I just saw a post that my friend posted- " 能伤害我的、都是我爱的". Translation- “The ones that can hurt me are the ones that I love.” What the hell was that?! That doesn’t even make sense! Sometimes I wonder if she’s brain-damaged. So, you love people that will hurt you?! What the hell?!  I always thought that love is when both of them love one another. But NOOOO!!! You have to love someone that will hurt your damn feelings!  But I guess if that’s what she wants I can’t do anything but to find someone that WILL hurt her feelings. Man…. If she was homosexual I’d pretend to have a thing for her and then I’ll break her heart just the way she wanted!! I mean sure, I’m breaking her heart but I’m only making her happy. I mean is it wrong to give someone something they want? No? So am I doing something wrong? No… Well, technically yes and no. But you know what I mean… Well, this might be a little cruel but I just hope she gets her heart broken as fast as possible! Sometimes I wonder if these people think what they post…. And that’s not the worst! There are posts like “别酱了啦。。放弃吧”. Translation- “Don’t be like this… Just give up…” I don’t know what she means or who’s she talking about but come on! If you wanna say something about someone you shouldn’t post it on the Internet! I mean sure, you wanna let your feelings out but is internet the only place you can write? You can write it on paper, Microsoft etc. But they just HAVE to post in on the internet!  I just wish they won’t be like that anymore…. I can’t take it anymore!!!!

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