
Wednesday 28 November 2012


So this is one of my favorite. I tasted this when I was young once, but when I wanted to look for it, I couldn't because this candy is kind of rare I think. I mean, who wouldn't want to eat this. Granted that you're not sick or allergic to cookies. This is "Hershey's Kisses" and the flavor is cookies and cream. You can find it at Tesco, at the chocolate department.
And the classic Fruit Plus, there's another one that some might mistaken as Fruit Plus, it's Mint Plus, at the right corner of the picture there it is. I don't really like mint plus, if you want something minty go buy an eclipse or mentos but not Mint Plus.

This was and still is extremely famous in my school. It is made from China but the flavor is sweet. I think that's why so many people like it. It's very rare in Malaysia but I think there might still be places that sell this kind of things. Man, if only I had this candy right now. And when I Google searched this candy, I used Chinese and instead of candy the results were movies. Cartoon movies so don't get mixed up with the movie when you ask your parents to buy it.

And this is the Big Foot lollipop. I don't eat it anymore because I only see this in most Malaysians know "pasar" or I think in English is supermarket. I'm not sure if it's called a supermarket or not because aren't supermarket are a little bit classy? Like Jusco or Tesco. Either way, I don't eat it anymore because I can't buy it at other places but if I ever see it I'll definitely buy it. And I think there are other candies named "Big Foot" because when I Google searched it, it has other results.

This is a Fizzy Cola candy. I Google searched it as well and there were other results that I never expected to see. The other results were like chewy. The picture right there isn't chewy, it is hard. But when you bite it, fizzy cola gets in your mouth. The candy isn't big so there won't be much cola in your mouth. But I still like it.

If only I can have all these candy right now, it'd be like heaven.

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