
Thursday 22 November 2012

Sims 3

So recently, I've been wanting a game and that game is for some reason Sims 3 expansion packs. I really don't know why I even like this game because I've always been the type of person who plays violent games like Modern Warfare. I still like them though, maybe it's because I've finished all of the violent games that can be finished so I'm kinda bored. Anyway, right now the expansion pack that I really want is Sims 3 Pets (Limited Edition), it's limited because I think it has a shop where you can sell your pets or buy pets there, I'm not really sure. I really want it because I really like animals especially dogs. But as much as I love pets I don't know whether I should buy it or not because the price is in US dollars and I'm in Malaysia so it's definitely gonna be more expensive and I'm afraid after I buy it I'll hate the game then I'll hate myself for wasting my parents money on a shitty game. And if you like Sims and you want to download houses you can find this dude called "Curtis Paradis", he creates them and shows the process of the making and posts it on Youtube. And after he finishes the houses, he puts them on his website so you can download it. And if you never heard of Sims, Curtis Paradis also does reviews about the game. 

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