
Friday 2 November 2012

Graduation Ceremony Tomorrow

So, tomorrow my school is having a graduation ceremony. I'm not graduating but everyone including the form 1 students have to go to the hall. I'm not saying I mind but it kinda sucks, not because I don't know the seniors it's because the dumb-ass teachers that give long speeches. They were practicing today and the teachers didn't give any speeches. They were just practicing the songs and how they're gonna perform for the graduates. They didn't really do anything, they just say what they were gonna do tomorrow and that's it. Nothing else, so it kinda sucked. I wasn't there until the end but I was there until nearly the end, I don't know what they were doing but they definitely weren't practicing. Anyway, while I was there, I saw that there were boards that the seniors wrote what they wanted to write to the teachers and classmates, and I gotta say, some of them were really funny. I'm kinda lazy to write what they wrote. Anyway, when I saw those boards, I kinda felt sad, especially when my friend said that we can get separated at any year. Even though I don't really like my classmates but I don't want to leave the class, I want it to be like it is now. And I was also kinda sad about the seniors leaving because some of my closest friends are seniors. I'm gonna miss you guys!

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