
Sunday 18 November 2012

My Freakin Holiday

So, none of you might be wondering what I'm planning to do or what I've done during this holiday and honestly, it's not much. We go to our grandparents' house nearly everyday now and at home, it's just the usual. Watching television, checking Facebook, trying to make my crush talk to me again, fantasize about how my crush would talk to me again, listening to music and of course my favorite, sleeping. Well, it's all good except for the fantasize about how my crush would talk to me again part, that is self abuse! I'm abusing myself! It's emotional self abuse, I mean come on! Imagining having something or someone that you know you can't have? Well, I don't really know if he'll talk to me again or just ignore me for the rest of our lives or what but for now I don't think he'll talk to me for a while. The worst part is I don't even know why he's ignoring me. Anyway, my holiday is just about that. Well, I gotta stop here, I gotta watch Modern Family. If you never heard of the show I might post it on the next post.

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