
Wednesday 7 November 2012


Today is my 2nd last day of school, because I'm skipping the last day of school mainly because a lot of my friends aren't coming to school. So, even though it's nearly holidays the school is still kinda strict so we didn't have much to do in class. I was enjoying the previous week because I always skipped class, I would put on my PE T-shirt and act like I'm a participant in the school competitions, and I won't go back to school for the whole day! Anyway, I bring my phone to school everyday, we can't bring it to school for some reason but I guess the teachers know we can't resist it so they said if we really wanted to bring it then we should give it to the discipline teachers to keep it and for some reason I guess a lot of the people want to have fun since we don't have classes anymore so they never give the teachers their phone. So today I thought I was dead because a lot of people said the teachers are gonna check every student, they usually won't check unless of course some 'dogs' (prefects, we call them dogs because dogs are usually loyal to their masters) told the discipline teachers that a lot of us brought phones to school. At first I thought I was fine because it's nearly holidays and I thought the teachers wouldn't check but they did, and it was at about the last ten minutes of school! When the students found out that the teachers were gonna come up and check, it was total chaos, so me and my friend took the chance and sneak out of the class. We stayed in the toilet until the bell rang, when we went back up to take our things, we found out that the teachers weren't checking our class, they were checking the class next to us. But still, you can't take a risk like that.

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