
Monday 31 December 2012

25th Anniversary Concert - Les Misérables

So this is the show I recently watched and I'm addicted to their songs. I will post about the show sooner or later. Hope you enjoy the songs.

Nagging Mother/Wives

So today is the first day of 2013 and it is extremely annoying for me. Tomorrow is the first day of school so my mom keeps ordering me to do things and it's the last day of freedom, I just want to enjoy as much as possible, but if I say that she'll be like "You've been enjoying for 2 months!" So I didn't want to say anything when she orders me to do things except "Hold on.." And I guess I said it a few times so she was fuckin mad at me, she always can't take people saying  "Wait" or "Hold on" a few times, I think it's because she has 0 patience. If you say "1 minute!" she expects you to do whatever she told you or be where she wants you to be in seconds so I never say "1 minute". Anyway, now she's fuckin furious at me just because I said I'll do something later. And the thing that bothers me isn't because my mother is mad at me, it's because she shows it obviously! I should clear that  up by telling you guys that my mother is always lecturing me how I shouldn't show it to other people that I'm mad. Well, she's one to talk, she shows it all the time and when my dad or my brother sees her like she'll say it's my fault because I don't do as I'm told, and then everyone is mad at me! Every fuckin time, and if I ever say that she shouldn't be like that she'll get even more mad and blame it on me somehow! Sometimes I just wanna say "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

Happy New Years!

Happy New Years Everybody! I gotta say, I feel a bit like Santa Claus saying "Merry Christmas Everybody!" Anyway, I don't have any stories to tell because 2013 is just like any year and you will continue to live until God or Satan decide to kill you. If that's racist I'm sorry but I still don't get why and how is that racist. So I guess a lot of people are ready to let go of the past and start a new year, well, good luck, I guess. And also good luck to the people that are planning to change themselves for the better. I myself, have nothing to change because I know even if I try, I'll stop after a few days at best. And I really don't have any special goals this year, my normal goals, don't end up like one of those bitches that keep posting duck faces and kill my freakin headmaster and my motherfuckin scout master. Oh wait, I guess I do have 1 special goal, patch things up with my crush. I'm not going to into details but long story short, I think he fuckin hates me. Well, that's it for now, I don't really have much to say or post about this "new year" mainly because it's just another day with a new number.

Friday 28 December 2012

Crazy Frog - Axel F

CRAZY FROG IS BACK! Well, technically this song was out in 2006 I think. Just sayin, if you liked a page called "I Share | You Share | He Share | She share | We Share | They Share" it posted a picture of it, that's what made me want to find this song. Anyway, the picture of crazy frog is different than the one in the music video, the frog actually has a penis.


So, most schools in Malaysia are about to start school, including mine. And, it's just sad! Our fuckin ass headmaster wanted to mix the classes besides the best class of course, he thinks it's a great idea. But let me tell you this, it's a fuckin idea! I mean if your grades aren't bad but you end up in the last class because of the stupid mix, nobody will care! People will think "She's in the last class, she must really suck." I swear, if that son of a bitch headmaster and my fuckin ass scout master got hurt in a car crash and I was beside, I will laugh like hell, take pictures, put it as my desktop ad phone wallpaper, and also post it on the internet! And after all that, if he still isn't dead, I'll probably get a chair and a popcorn to enjoy the good but slow show. Anyway, I'll be in a class with a lot of strangers, and 2 of my best friends are in the class next to mine! Are you fucking kidding me?! Among my best friends, I am the best, but they get to be ahead of me?! And that's not the only thing, it gets worse! I can't quit scout! My mother won't let me quit that motherfuckin ass scout, even if my mother let me quit the son of a bitch scout master won't let anyone quit! Usually I'd say "Fuck that scout master" but then it hit me, I can't say that, we can't insult sex. Plus, no one wants to fuck him! Even whores wouldn't want to fuck him! I just hope I can find a way to get through 2013.

Wednesday 26 December 2012

Don't Starve Game

So my friend introduced a new game for me, "Don't Starve". It's a survival game. You need to collect food, kill animals, monsters, and create things. The first few minutes is fuckin boring but after that it gets better and it doesn't get better anymore but even though it's not extremely fun or even violent, it's kinda fun. The first character is Wilson, a scientist I think, and the only special thing he can do is grow a beard. The second character, I'm not sure about her name but she's more easier to use. She is immune to fire damage and she can create fire in the dark. And if you never played the game and you think you can see the dark, well the dark is completely dark! And don't think nothing will happen to your character, something will bite you and you die if the sun doesn't shine soon or you don't create a fire soon. And if you downloaded the game and you don't know how to get the light bulb (you'll get it when you play it), you need to create the science machine and you can put things in it, for example the pine cone, or basically everything. But you need food to not starve, and sometimes you need to create tools to get wood and stuff. So make sure what you throw in the machine is what you don't use.

Monday 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas Eve

So it's Christmas Eve night and "Merry Christmas Eve!" And this is Silent Night sang by IL Divo. And sadly I'm spending my Christmas Eve alone watching Modern Family. Sometimes I hope I was in other countries celebrating Christmas Eve differently, I don't expect to celebrate it with anyone but I'm not saying I wouldn't. If a lover or family or a friend wants to celebrate with me, I'm happy because I always thought that I'm a forever alone person. Anyway, if I was in other countries like America or Europe or Korea or some other countries and I'm alone on Christmas Eve I'd probably make a cup of hot chocolate, turn on the television and watch some TV shows and listen to some Christmas songs I guess. Well, I guess I don't have anything more to say because I have never experiences what Christmas is like and I'm alone at home watching Modern Family and I do not want to get disturbed.


So I went to Sabah for four days and I didn't post it until now because the hotel doesn't have WiFi and I didn't bring my laptop. Anyway, the trip was great besides having no internet, and television, it was great. We went snorkeling and I'm not sure if it was really a shark but I think it is. I couldn't see properly because there was some water on the glass. I didn't go diving because I'm afraid something bad will happen when I'm in too deep but my dad said it was great. We also went to the famous Sipadan. We went snorkeling there and it was much more beautiful than the first time. And besides snorkeling, we don't actually have anything to do. But for some reason it was more fine than I thought. I won't go into details because it's actually kinda boring. Anyway, at the hotel, the service was kinda suckish. The food are cold if you go to the restaurant late, and the water including drinking water is salt water. Well, that's all I have to say about cuz I'm kinda tired.

Sunday 23 December 2012

Shit Quote

So I don't know who thought of this shit quote but if two past lovers can remain friends isn't that a good thing? And it doesn't mean that they never were in love, they might still be in love but if you never were in love with each other wouldn't it be even more weird if you were friends? And if you actually think this quote makes sense, well I have three shows that proves this quote completely wrong! How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory and Friends! Ted, Barney and Robin still remain friends even after Ted said "I love you."! Penny and Leonard still remain friends after they broke up! Ross and Rachel got married and divorced and they still remain friends! I don't know if they really ended up together in the end but I do know they were drunk in Vegas and they got married but they got divorced again. My point is two past lovers can still remain friends and that doesn't mean they never were or still in love.

Sunday 16 December 2012

Radio Station SUCKS D***!!

If you listened to my previous post, it says that a song posted on Youtube on April, was just recently played on the radio today! This just proves that radio sucks! Not only is it slow, it makes you sick of the music you love! AND, some radio stations have prank calls and most of the time, we're like "WTF?!",  they're material sucks! Only 1 in 1000 is good! You know how they always play the same songs over and over and over and over again for the next few months, it really sucks! That's what made me sick of Maroon 5's Payphone, such awesome song, ruined. And don't get me started on the jokes they make, when they make jokes on the radio 90% of the time I'm like "WTF is he sayin?" Either their jokes make no sense or the joke really really sucks. I don't know about radio stations in other country but in Malaysia, man do they suck d***! Oh, and there's also remixes, they always remix songs into weird songs which I thought was fine at first, but now when you hear it you change it without any hesitation, the remixes suck, most people think it's dubstep but if I recall dubstep doesn't repeat the same freakin word 20 TIMES!! I swear once they repeated the word never over 16 times! I was like.... Please end this hell, I didn't like the chorus part already and they have to repeat it more than 16 times?! "We are never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever" then they switch the songs...

Imagine Dragons - It's Time

This video was posted at April 2012 and was just released in the radio world today. It also has over 8 million views so...

Thursday 13 December 2012

Werewolf Boy Is Going To Be Aired in.............

Guess what, "A Werewolf Boy" is going to be aired in Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia! I went on Facebook and searched A Werewolf Boy's page and the last post said that the dates aren't clear about when the show will be aired. But I don't have that much faith on it because Malaysia government has disappointed it countless times in countless ways, and even if it's aired the chances of the show getting censored every few minutes are pretty high. Still, it must air in Malaysia! 

Valentine's Day somehow

I really don't get couples. There's a Valentines day every fuckin month! I'm on Facebook and every few days of every month my Facebook is full of "Happy Valentines Day" or "I'm alone on Valentines Day~" or some other shit like that. For the love of God, it's not the real Valentines Day, and even if it's the real Valentines Day who cares if you're alone?! You're not the only one! There are tons of people that are alone on Valentines Day! Sometimes you just wanna kill them. And somethings are even worse, my guy friend is in a relationship with someone way younger than him, his a senior and the girlfriend is in junior 2 next year! And  I'm not quite sure but I think they're gonna break up after the guy leaves school because how the hell are they going to last for so long, I mean in college there's gotta be some awesome girls for the guy and I don't know if there are any cute guys for the girl but either way she's going to like someone else. And the guy is taking it way too serious, they've only dated like 6 months and I saw his post "Happy Valentines Day, I love you~" He's not the only one but still, they only dated for 6 fuckin months! And they talk like they've been into each other for years, if only the guy can stay for a few more years, not because I wanna see him happy, I just wanna show him that he's not really in love with her. Yeah, I'm cruel but if he just keeps saying that he's in love with her, I know how he fuckin feels, and it's fake. I had my crush, I cried for him, I did tons of things for him even though he thinks I just did it because we're friends, but after I did so many things for him I never said that I loved him! And that guy isn't the only one that thinks he's in love, my classmates too! They think they're in love just because they cried for the guy or some shit like that, I cried but I never said that I was in love with that jerk. And thank God I didn't, if I did I'd look like a douche because I fuckin hate him right now.

Prank Nurse found hanging

I guess most of you must have heard the news about a nurse hanging herself, especially Australians. Jacintha Saidanha (the nurse) was found last Friday by work colleagues hanging from a wardrobe at her hospital living quarters, a coroner's court in London heard Thursday. But there were also "some injuries to her wrist," Detective Chief Inspector James Harman said. For more information, go to, the link will be given at the end of this post. The two Australian radio personalities who made the prank phone call to a British hospital caring for the pregnant Duchess of Cambridge made a tearful apologies Monday for making the call, which may have led to the suicide of a nurse who spoke to the pair. Michael Christian says he's gutted, shattered and heartbroken. It's gut-wrenching that the prank apparently led to a nurse's suicide, Mel Greig said. But the pair also said that the decision the air the recorded prank call was not theirs. But either way, they can't do anything about it. And I'm terribly sorry for her parents, her kids, her husband and anyone that is related to her.

Prank Nurse found hanging-
Radio personalities apologize for prank call to duchess's hospital-

Tuesday 11 December 2012

North Korea defies warnings to launch rocket

North Korea has launched its rocket in defiance of international warnings, South Korea and Japan say. The three-stage rocket was launched at 09:45 (00:49 GMT). Reports indicate it followed its intended trajectory, with stages falling in expected areas.
North Korea says its rocket is putting a satellite into space, but several nations say the launch is a cover for long-range missile development. A previous launch in April failed when the rocket broke up after take-off.
There has been no word yet from North Korea on this launch, which comes only two days after it warned that technical problems could force a delay. It also comes a week ahead of the South Korean presidential election and roughly a year from the death of leader Kim Jong-il, who died on 17 December 2011

The rocket was launched from a site on North Korea's west coast. It was scheduled to pass between the Korean peninsula and China, with a second stage coming down off the Philippines before launching the satellite into orbit.
The Japanese government, which put its armed forces on alert ahead of the launch, said the rocket appeared to have passed over pasts of Okinawa prefecture, south of the Japanese mainland.

For more information, go to

Monday 10 December 2012

Family Guy - Over

I remember this part when they wanted to rebuild a house and it ended in disaster. Over.

Housing Agency's Flaws Revealed by Storm (New York Times, N.Y. Region)

   Three weeks after Hurricane Sandy, fresh teams of federal disaster recovery workers rushed to Coney Island to solve a troubling mystery: few people were signing up for federal financial aid. The workers trooped into the city’s apublic housing towers, climbing up darkened stairwells, shouting “FEMA,” knocking on doors. 

What they found surprised even these veteran crews.
 Dozens of frail, elderly residents and others with special needs were still stranded in their high-rise apartments — even though life in much of New York City had returned to near normal. In apartment 8F of one tower, Daniel O’Neill, a 75-year-old retired teacher who uses a wheelchair and who still lacked reliable electricity, cut in half the dosage of his $132-a-month medicine, which he needed to stabilize his swollen limbs. If you want to know more you can go to  

And by the way, if you're annoyed by the white thingy that always comes out, I'm annoyed too. 

Sunday 9 December 2012

Plane of Missing Singer Jenni Rivera

So I was checking on iGoogle, and I saw on that there's a missing singer? Mexican authorities said Sunday they found the wreckage of a small plane that they believe was carrying Mexican-American singer Jenni Rivera. Six others, including two pilots, were also thought to be on board the plane, which took off from Monterrey, Mexico, earlier in the day and soon lost contact with air traffic controllers. "Everything points to that this is the plane," says the transportation minister. His ministry issued a statement saying authorities were working to access the site by land in order to confirm exactly what's there. I don’t really know who Jenni Rivera is but in my defense I don’t a lot of famous celebrities as well. But even if I don’t know her I feel very sorry, and if any of her family members are reading this I’m sorry for your loss. 


One of Lady Gaga's hit song, Bloody Mary. Okay, first of all I don't know if it's a hit song or not I just randomly said it, but I think it is even though the views aren't that many it's still not bad. This music video kinda reminds me of an England show I forgot the name and the details but all I remember is that I loved it.

The One That Got Away - Katy Perry (Cover by Tiffany Alvord & Chester See)

This song is suitable if you want to listen to something soothing, it's really comforting, for me at least. I don't know about all you people out there. Hope you enjoy it

Maroon 5 Medley! - Victoria Justice & Max Schneider

Wow! This is really impressive, this video has over 6 million views!

"Payphone" - Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa Cover by Tanner Patrick with lyrics

So this is Tanner Patrick's cover of Payphone by Maroon 5 featuring Wiz Khalifa Cover. If I'm not wrong I posted another one of Tanner Patrick's cover songs before but I don't remember what song it is.

Pentatonix - 2013 Tour and "PTXmas" Announcement!!

I know I'm late on posting this video, I just found out about it as well. I guess the tickets are probably sold out by now but at least you can still buy the DVD or something. Again, I'm sorry but if you're a Malaysian I don't feel sorry at all unless of course you're in LA or San Diego or places like that because they're definitely not coming to Malaysia.

Saturday 8 December 2012

Drama Shows

I don't know why but I'm starting to like drama shows, especially Korean ones. I'm currently watching two drama Korean shows, Innocent Man and Obstetrics and Gynecology Doctor. But I'm hoping to find other show to watch as well since the series isn't very long, Innocent Man has 20 Episodes while Obstetrics and Gynecology Doctor has only 16 which means it won't take long for me to finish the shows. I found another show called "Rich Man, Poor Woman", it's about an affluent man whose personality is is on the contrary, speckled with flaws. A CEO of an IT firm who is published on Forbes as a billionaire, Tetsushi attained his fortune through chance and pure luck. A woman who meets Tetsushi and eventually becomes attracted to him is Sawaki Chihiro, played by Ishihara Satomi. Chihiro is a hardworking college student at Tokyo University who has prepared for her future as much as she possibly could through studies and obtaining licenses. Despite her efforts, she has yet to land a job. Upon meeting Tetsushi, she begins to unravel a genuine pureness inside him and solitude resulting from such pureness, which eventually draws her closer to him. The two repeatedly conflict each other, but little by little learn about one another to grow and develop together.

I'm also looking for a Korean movie called "A Werewolf Boy" And for all the Song Joong Ki fans out there, yes this show's main character is him, but I guess you might already know that since this movie was released in October.

Friday 7 December 2012


So recently I've been hooked on to three Korean shows, and a few American shows. One of the Korean shows is the famous variety show Running Man! If you still don't know the cast, Google search it, I'm not gonna retype it again. But just for everyone that doesn't know, the one with the yellow jacket isn't the main cast. Well, he was but he stopped because he decided to focus on his acting career. 

And the second Korean show is a drama show named "Innocent Man". The people below are the main people, they show up in every episode but the main cast is still those three.
Main Cast- Song Joong-ki as Kang Ma-ru
Main Cast-Moon Chae-won as Seo Eun-Gi
Main Cast-Park Si-yeon as Han Jae Hee
Supporting Cast-Kim Yeong-cheol as Seo Jung-gyu
Supporting Cast-Lee Kwang-soo as Park Jae-Gil
Supporting Cast-Lee Yoo Bi as Kang Choco

Plot- Kang Ma-ru was in love with a girl who was slightly older than he is named Han Jae Hee. He even left his sick sister Kang Choco to save her, took the blame for a murder that Jae Hee did, dropped out of medical school because he was accused of murder in return she promised that she will come back to him. But in the end, she met a CEO of a company named Tae San named Seo Jung-gyu and chose money over love. This brutal betrayal leaves Ma-ru fractured, he was no longer the nice guy that he was before. A few years later, he met Seo Eun-Gi, the first daughter of the Seo Jung-gyu, stepdaughter of Han Jae Hee. Ma-ru decided to use her to get revenge on Jae Hee. Just as Ma-ru begins to genuinely care for her, she found out and breaks up with him. But a car accident causes her to lose her memory, and she enters Ma-ru's life again.

And the third show, Obstetrics and Gynecology doctor. The drama depicts the difficult decisions and moving human stories and take place in the OB-GYN department, focusing in particular on Seo Hye Young, a talented and determined obstetrician who has just transferred from the prestigious Seoul base to the branch hospital. Her straightforward manner of handling her professional life is in contrast with her love life, which is marred by her relationship with a married man. This becomes even more entangled when she meets Lee Sang Shik, the chief of NICU, and her long-time friend Wang Jae Suk also shows his interest.  There are a lot of cast in this show so if you want to know who they are, Google search it.

And the only American show that I really really love is Walking Dead! I guess most of you already know the show and my hands are a little tired so I'm not gonna say anything. If you want to know anything you can just search it online.

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Freakin Laptop

So I don't know what happened with my laptop because the taskbar changed into a classic version, the audio won't work and the internet connection has problems too. I'm currently using my brother's laptop since he's out with friends, I sure hope he doesn't come back. If he comes back I'm definitely dead, my brother's don't really like it when I touch their laptops. And yeah, if you're wondering why I didn't just use my phone to check any solutions online, well I did. The only problem is that all of the solutions either have to use the internet or won't work. My brother said that he will take the laptop to get it repaired. Usually if I ask him to do anything he'll get mad but he knows that if my laptop doesn't work I'm going to have to use his so I guess he'll be more irritated if I always use his laptop. I hope the laptop will get fixed as soon as possible, the last time I didn't use a laptop for 1 day, I got sick. Just kidding, I really got sick but I don't think it's because I didn't use laptop.

Sunday 2 December 2012

I don't wanna go back to school

I don't know why but I suddenly thought of how it would be like going back to school and as most of you would know, it sucks! Just imagining it sucks! The teachers are as dumb as Patrick Star, no I can't say that, it's an insult to Patrick! And the "friends", yes I love them but damn it sometimes you just wanna kill them! They always sob or say shit like "I'm so foolish, I shouldn't have talked to you in the first place." or "No one cares about me." or the worst thing of all, duck faces. First of all, you don't have to announce to the whole world your love life is dead, it kinda makes you desperate. I post them once or twice before but no one can notice it's an emotional post because I don't know how to explain. Next, if no one cares about you then what are your friends doing?! Girl friends are always ready to help emotional girl friends, but sometimes it's just annoying. And third, why the hell are ducks ruling over the female population? Anyway, these are fuckin shit that most people have to deal with in school. Actually there's one more, love triangles. Everyday listening to their love stories and how they miss their crushes and shit like that. Dude! My crush barely talks to me anymore and that nearly killed me but I never ever talk about it. Man, I really don't wanna go back to school.