
Thursday 13 December 2012

Valentine's Day somehow

I really don't get couples. There's a Valentines day every fuckin month! I'm on Facebook and every few days of every month my Facebook is full of "Happy Valentines Day" or "I'm alone on Valentines Day~" or some other shit like that. For the love of God, it's not the real Valentines Day, and even if it's the real Valentines Day who cares if you're alone?! You're not the only one! There are tons of people that are alone on Valentines Day! Sometimes you just wanna kill them. And somethings are even worse, my guy friend is in a relationship with someone way younger than him, his a senior and the girlfriend is in junior 2 next year! And  I'm not quite sure but I think they're gonna break up after the guy leaves school because how the hell are they going to last for so long, I mean in college there's gotta be some awesome girls for the guy and I don't know if there are any cute guys for the girl but either way she's going to like someone else. And the guy is taking it way too serious, they've only dated like 6 months and I saw his post "Happy Valentines Day, I love you~" He's not the only one but still, they only dated for 6 fuckin months! And they talk like they've been into each other for years, if only the guy can stay for a few more years, not because I wanna see him happy, I just wanna show him that he's not really in love with her. Yeah, I'm cruel but if he just keeps saying that he's in love with her, I know how he fuckin feels, and it's fake. I had my crush, I cried for him, I did tons of things for him even though he thinks I just did it because we're friends, but after I did so many things for him I never said that I loved him! And that guy isn't the only one that thinks he's in love, my classmates too! They think they're in love just because they cried for the guy or some shit like that, I cried but I never said that I was in love with that jerk. And thank God I didn't, if I did I'd look like a douche because I fuckin hate him right now.

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