
Monday 31 December 2012

Happy New Years!

Happy New Years Everybody! I gotta say, I feel a bit like Santa Claus saying "Merry Christmas Everybody!" Anyway, I don't have any stories to tell because 2013 is just like any year and you will continue to live until God or Satan decide to kill you. If that's racist I'm sorry but I still don't get why and how is that racist. So I guess a lot of people are ready to let go of the past and start a new year, well, good luck, I guess. And also good luck to the people that are planning to change themselves for the better. I myself, have nothing to change because I know even if I try, I'll stop after a few days at best. And I really don't have any special goals this year, my normal goals, don't end up like one of those bitches that keep posting duck faces and kill my freakin headmaster and my motherfuckin scout master. Oh wait, I guess I do have 1 special goal, patch things up with my crush. I'm not going to into details but long story short, I think he fuckin hates me. Well, that's it for now, I don't really have much to say or post about this "new year" mainly because it's just another day with a new number.

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