
Friday 28 December 2012


So, most schools in Malaysia are about to start school, including mine. And, it's just sad! Our fuckin ass headmaster wanted to mix the classes besides the best class of course, he thinks it's a great idea. But let me tell you this, it's a fuckin idea! I mean if your grades aren't bad but you end up in the last class because of the stupid mix, nobody will care! People will think "She's in the last class, she must really suck." I swear, if that son of a bitch headmaster and my fuckin ass scout master got hurt in a car crash and I was beside, I will laugh like hell, take pictures, put it as my desktop ad phone wallpaper, and also post it on the internet! And after all that, if he still isn't dead, I'll probably get a chair and a popcorn to enjoy the good but slow show. Anyway, I'll be in a class with a lot of strangers, and 2 of my best friends are in the class next to mine! Are you fucking kidding me?! Among my best friends, I am the best, but they get to be ahead of me?! And that's not the only thing, it gets worse! I can't quit scout! My mother won't let me quit that motherfuckin ass scout, even if my mother let me quit the son of a bitch scout master won't let anyone quit! Usually I'd say "Fuck that scout master" but then it hit me, I can't say that, we can't insult sex. Plus, no one wants to fuck him! Even whores wouldn't want to fuck him! I just hope I can find a way to get through 2013.

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