
Monday 31 December 2012

Nagging Mother/Wives

So today is the first day of 2013 and it is extremely annoying for me. Tomorrow is the first day of school so my mom keeps ordering me to do things and it's the last day of freedom, I just want to enjoy as much as possible, but if I say that she'll be like "You've been enjoying for 2 months!" So I didn't want to say anything when she orders me to do things except "Hold on.." And I guess I said it a few times so she was fuckin mad at me, she always can't take people saying  "Wait" or "Hold on" a few times, I think it's because she has 0 patience. If you say "1 minute!" she expects you to do whatever she told you or be where she wants you to be in seconds so I never say "1 minute". Anyway, now she's fuckin furious at me just because I said I'll do something later. And the thing that bothers me isn't because my mother is mad at me, it's because she shows it obviously! I should clear that  up by telling you guys that my mother is always lecturing me how I shouldn't show it to other people that I'm mad. Well, she's one to talk, she shows it all the time and when my dad or my brother sees her like she'll say it's my fault because I don't do as I'm told, and then everyone is mad at me! Every fuckin time, and if I ever say that she shouldn't be like that she'll get even more mad and blame it on me somehow! Sometimes I just wanna say "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

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