
Monday 10 December 2012

Housing Agency's Flaws Revealed by Storm (New York Times, N.Y. Region)

   Three weeks after Hurricane Sandy, fresh teams of federal disaster recovery workers rushed to Coney Island to solve a troubling mystery: few people were signing up for federal financial aid. The workers trooped into the city’s apublic housing towers, climbing up darkened stairwells, shouting “FEMA,” knocking on doors. 

What they found surprised even these veteran crews.
 Dozens of frail, elderly residents and others with special needs were still stranded in their high-rise apartments — even though life in much of New York City had returned to near normal. In apartment 8F of one tower, Daniel O’Neill, a 75-year-old retired teacher who uses a wheelchair and who still lacked reliable electricity, cut in half the dosage of his $132-a-month medicine, which he needed to stabilize his swollen limbs. If you want to know more you can go to  

And by the way, if you're annoyed by the white thingy that always comes out, I'm annoyed too. 

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