Sunday, 30 September 2012
Jayesslee-Thank You
I want to give this song to my friends and families for being there for me when I needed them. Some of my relatives had already passed away but I still miss them. And even though I'm not close with some of my cousins I still hope they're safe, sound and well. And like I said thank you to all you guys for being there for me. When I was having trouble in school, all of my family members and friends tried to help me by giving me more confidence.
Mooncake Festival

Happy Mooncake Festival
Happy Mooncake Festival everyone!! Tea and moon cakes are the main dish of this festival. Traditionally on
this day, Chinese family members and friends will gather around to enjoy
the moon cake and tea drinking, as well as admiring the bright harvest
moon. Accompanying with the celebration, additional cultural activities
are also being practiced by people from different places such as
carrying lanterns, lighting lanterns on towers, floating sky lanterns,
fire dragon dance, poetry and singing competition and etc... It's awesome. I'm spending this festival like we do every year, going to my grandparents' house and just have fun with my cousins and other relatives. The adults usually go to the dining room or the living room and chat while the younger kids or teenagers usually go to the computer room to play games. But, for me, I spend it in another room with my two closest cousins. So, I hope you have fun spending it with your family. And if you're not spending with your family, just have fun or something. Hey, you can still watch television, listen to music and play computer games if you're not celebrating it.
Stalking People
Saturday, 29 September 2012
Nigahiga on Violence
You know, he has a good point. You can't just blame your kids' entertainment because they're violent. Like he said, violence is everywhere. And imagine if there wasn't violence, yes it would be better but at the same time it's worse.
Jayesslee Cover- Fireflies
This is the cover song Fireflies by Janice and Sonia like I promised, but they usually go by another name "Jayesslee" or for short "JS". And about the concert, if you just saw this video you're too late because the concert is in 2010. And if anyone saw or have the concert video can you please give me the link?
Owl City-Fireflies
This is Owl City with Fireflies. This is his most successful song as far as I know because I went to find his top tracks and this is the first. This video has over 77,000,000 views right now I mean. I'll post another "Fireflies" song, but it's sung by Janice and Sonia. I love they're cover songs so check it out.
Price Tag Jessie J (Jayesslee Cover)
This is the first song I've heard from them but it's not bad. I really like the guitar, it's not too soft, it's not too hard either. I hope you enjoy it. I'll post other songs of theirs if it's good that is.
Modern Warfare 3
Greyson Chance - Stranded - Lyrics On Screen
I don't know if this is his new song or what but I love it! I think it's the first song that he used a guitar as the background music and I love guitars. I want to be stranded on this island with you~!
I Would Walk 500 Miles with Lyrics
I heard this song in How I Met Your Mother and I liked it but I didn't search for it until now and it is still awesome. This song was sung by "The Proclaimers". I haven't heard the other songs but I plan to and if they're good I'll post it as well.
Friday, 28 September 2012
I just Friend-zoned someone...
Re-upload of "I Miss The Sound Of Your Voice" Lyrics
This is one of my favorite songs, I've search this song for years and I've finally found it! Hope you enjoy it, and this is a great song for someone you truly love.
Freakin Lectures..
Damn it! I just pissed off my mum again! Well, there was this course or talk or something she wanted me to go to. And I told her the second she asked me to go with her that I won't like it and I will keep bugging her to go home but she still insisted I go. So, in the end I still went to the talk. I guess my mother thought I would like it when I actually heard it but in the end I was literally bored to tears. At one point I was so bored I almost fell asleep but of course I didn't want to be impolite so I just started to text some of my friends. Anyway, I stopped in the end because it was still boring as hell and it was nearly 9.20 so I asked my mother if we could leave. My mother could tell I wasn't enjoying it one bit but she wanted to keep listening. But I want to go home so I asked my mother a few more times and she got mad and we left. No, she did not scold or lecture me in front of the crowd. And when we were in the car we didn't say anything so I could tell she was mad. If I just stayed there until the end when we came out she would ask it I liked it even though the answer would be 100% no. And then she would say some boring stuff about what the dude said and I would have to listen to it for at least a few days. But like I said she was mad so we didn't say anything at all. Yeah sure it's my fault for bugging her to go home but in my defense I specifically told her I didn't want to go! Before we left home I was still saying I didn't want to go but she wouldn't budge. And this is NOT the first time she dragged me to some boring lecture, and every time I will be too soft to ask my mother to leave so in the end I have to stay there yawning, praying for the lecture to end quicker, imagining myself out with my friends. And I was just so bored and sick of always going to these stupid lectures so I just begged my mother in the end, she was STILL mad. When is she NOT mad at me?!
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Persian Vanilla Cupcakes Recipe
Hey guys, this is the recipe for Persian Vanilla Cupcakes. I decided to post it because my aunt and my mother baked it and it was AMAZING~!! But we didn't put any frosts on it but it was still great!
Persian Vanilla Cupcakes
Preparation 12mins Cooking
20mins Calories 500 Fat 35g Carbohydrate 44g
1 cup caster sugar (225g/8oz)
½ cup, milk (173/6oz)
1 ½ self-raising flour, sifted
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup icing sugar (155g/5 ½ ounce)
1 teaspoon lemon essence
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup butter, room temperature (225g)
Persian fairy floss
1.) Preheat the oven to 160oC. Line a 12-cupcake pan with cupcake papers. In
a medium-sized bowl, lightly beat the eggs, add butter and sugar, then mix
until light and fluffy.
2.) Add milk, flour and vanilla, and stir to combine. Beat with an electric
mixer for 2 minutes, until light and creamy.
3.) Divide the mixture evenly between the cake papers. Bake for 18-20
minutes until risen and firm to touch. Allow to cool for a few minutes and then
transfer to a wire rack. Allow to cool fully before icing.
1.) Meanwhile, combine all topping ingredients except fairy floss, mix with
a wooden spoon until well combined, and beat with the spoon until light and
2.) Place mixture into a piping bag with a star-shaped nozzle and pipe onto
all cupcakes. Top with fairy floss.
Last day of Extra Curricular Activity
This is Barney Stinson everybody! One of my favorite quotes of his "When I get sad, I stop being sad, and be awesome instead. True story." But, right now, I wouldn't say I'm scared exactly, I'm afraid. There's still one more day of Extra Curricular Activity and I have a few options.
Option 1. Lie to my parents saying that I don't have school tomorrow.
2. I skip it but I might get caught and it sucks!
3.Find a teacher to write a letter giving some stupid reason why you can't go.
But there are still some flaws on these options, well, I lie to my parents a lot nowadays and it usually isn't as serious as this. And I skipped "ECA" tons of times already, I'm afraid that my seniors will murder me and the third option, well let's just say nearly all of the teachers are freakin afraid of getting caught red-handed. If only Barney Stinson was in my school, he'd probably give me confidence. Yeah, this picture does help a little but I need a lot of help right now. Oh, and you're probably thinking, "If tomorrow is the last day of it then you might as well go for it." Well, the day when I go is when the day hell freezes over and heaven burns into ashes so that will never happen. And even if it did I'm still not going!
Option 1. Lie to my parents saying that I don't have school tomorrow.
2. I skip it but I might get caught and it sucks!
3.Find a teacher to write a letter giving some stupid reason why you can't go.
But there are still some flaws on these options, well, I lie to my parents a lot nowadays and it usually isn't as serious as this. And I skipped "ECA" tons of times already, I'm afraid that my seniors will murder me and the third option, well let's just say nearly all of the teachers are freakin afraid of getting caught red-handed. If only Barney Stinson was in my school, he'd probably give me confidence. Yeah, this picture does help a little but I need a lot of help right now. Oh, and you're probably thinking, "If tomorrow is the last day of it then you might as well go for it." Well, the day when I go is when the day hell freezes over and heaven burns into ashes so that will never happen. And even if it did I'm still not going!
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Big Bang Theory
How I Met Your Mother
How I Met Your Mother
This is How I Met Your Mother, one of my favorite comedy shows. Yes, it may be inappropriate for my age but still I enjoy it even though my parents don't really like it because like I said it's inappropriate. The female with the hoop earrings and the brown hair is Alyson Hannigan, she plays the character Lily Aldrin in the show. The one standing next to her is Jason Segel playing as Marshall Erickson in the show, Marshall is Lily's wife in the show. The one with the blonde hair is the most famous and the most awesome of them all, and he is Neil Patrick Harris everyone!! He plays Barney Stinson, a psychopath that loves having sex with hot girls in the show. But still, he is AWESOME! Or, Legend wait for it -dary! LEGENDARY!! Oh, and the character Barney Stinson loves suits and wears suits every single day unless of course he is trying to bang someone. Okay, the girl next to Neil Patrick Harris is Cobie Smulders, she plays Robin Scherbatsky in the show. A gun-nut from Canada and works as a news anchor. And of course, the guy on the left which you can only see the head is Josh Radnor! The main character in the series "How I Met Your Mother". He plays the part of Ted Mosby, a born and raised New Yorker that hates New Jersey more than anything and he is always looking for "the one". Which is exactly the opposite of Barney Stinson, but in the end they both ended up getting in a relationship and even getting married.
This is How I Met Your Mother, one of my favorite comedy shows. Yes, it may be inappropriate for my age but still I enjoy it even though my parents don't really like it because like I said it's inappropriate. The female with the hoop earrings and the brown hair is Alyson Hannigan, she plays the character Lily Aldrin in the show. The one standing next to her is Jason Segel playing as Marshall Erickson in the show, Marshall is Lily's wife in the show. The one with the blonde hair is the most famous and the most awesome of them all, and he is Neil Patrick Harris everyone!! He plays Barney Stinson, a psychopath that loves having sex with hot girls in the show. But still, he is AWESOME! Or, Legend wait for it -dary! LEGENDARY!! Oh, and the character Barney Stinson loves suits and wears suits every single day unless of course he is trying to bang someone. Okay, the girl next to Neil Patrick Harris is Cobie Smulders, she plays Robin Scherbatsky in the show. A gun-nut from Canada and works as a news anchor. And of course, the guy on the left which you can only see the head is Josh Radnor! The main character in the series "How I Met Your Mother". He plays the part of Ted Mosby, a born and raised New Yorker that hates New Jersey more than anything and he is always looking for "the one". Which is exactly the opposite of Barney Stinson, but in the end they both ended up getting in a relationship and even getting married.
Monday, 24 September 2012
K-ON. I don't know why I like it because there really isn't any story to the show. Like, in Hitman Reborn, Tsuna is a mafia boss and he has to protect his men. But in K-ON, there really isn't a story. The episodes doesn't have a story to the title, well, I can't say that because they do play music but sometimes the details just doesn't make sense yet you will still like it. And even though I like it it doesn't mean that I crazy for it, the shows that I'm crazy for are usually comedy or shows that involve fighting. And by comedy I mean real comedy like "How I Met Your Mother" and "Big Bang Theory". And if only Russel Peters has a show of his own, if he does I would definitely watch it, he is so awesome! So, it you're bored or like shows like that I suggest you like K-ON. Well, I really don't know why I like it because I never thought I would like show like that since there's no fighting in it and it's not funny. But still, I like it. Haha.
Sims 3 Pets
Code Name Vivaldi (Bourne Soundtrack/Vivaldi Double Cello Concerto) - Th...
This is one of my favorite songs played by The Piano Guys- Bourne Vivaldi. I hope you enjoy it!
Saturday, 22 September 2012
Walking Dead Season 3 Premiers October 14
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Poi Lam High School Brass Band Performance (Party Rock Anthem)
This is the performance of my school's brass band playing a while back. I just found it on Youtube, I decided to type in "Poi Lam High School" for some reason and I found this. Anyway, you will or heard the crowd cheering at the end and when the 2 guys stood up and danced. You think that's good right? Well, it's not! To my assistant headmistress that is! After the whole performance ended she came out and said "We can understand if you cheer when there's a celebrity but it's just your school's brass band! I hope I don't have to repeat myself." So, does that mean you don't want us to cheer for our own school's brass band performance. Granted that they're just performing for our school and there might not be any parents or other visitors watching but still we cheered because we liked it. This is what happens when you let douches run the school.
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Extra Curricular Activity
Well, tomorrow is Thursday again. Which means it's Extra Curricular Activity day again. Just saying it makes me so sad. I really don't want to go to scout! Nearly every week since July, I've been skipping scout and I've never been caught. But even if they don't know where you are they will still know you skipped it because the teacher will check whether or not you're absent. And if you weren't absent and you skipped it they will minus your extra curricular marks. I don't mind but if your extra curricular marks are too low there's a chance that you won't be able to become a senior, not just in your organization, but in your grades too. Yeah, it's sort of a big risk but when you hate it so much you want to kill yourself, you will do a lot to get out of it. If only I was a ghost, you know like the evil ones in 'Ghost Whisperer". They have powers and if I have them too I will get rid of everyone that deserves to be punished. I hate the Scout Master(s), the seniors (not all of them) etc. Man, if only we can choose not to be in an activity. And, some of you might be wondering "If you hate it so much why don't you just quit?". Well, the answer to that is because I can't. The teachers said that you can't quit for some reason. Well, you can but they don't tell you when so you just have to guess. Well, they only let you quit during half of the year or the beginning of the year. But the problem is they don't tell you the exact date so I hate it. I tried to quit once but when I asked the teacher the teacher said "You're too late, yesterday was the last day to quit." so I was really upset but I can't do anything.
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
School SUCKS!!!!!!!
Okay, I haven't posted anything in a while because I'm getting really lazy these days. Anyway, I decided to post something for some unknown reason and I don't quite know what to post besides how much I hate school, scout and how unfair people can be or any other events that will or have happened. But since nothings has happened recently so I'm just gonna go ahead and say "SCHOOL SUCKS!". Well, not in every country in the world but I know Malaysia's schools suck like hell. The teachers don't know how to teach, 80-90% of the girls in school are either lesbians or girls that love duck-faces! I don't mind lesbians but do they have to pose for every freakin picture they take?! At this point I'd rather be sick that go to school. Yeah, I tried it. I definitely got sick but sadly it was on a weekend so all my efforts was wasted. I didn't do anything but still I tried to resist not eating any medicine since it was killing me! I kept vomiting and coughing but I still didn't have any medication until Sunday. Yeah, I'm a douche. I shouldn't take any medicine, it was Sunday. There was a holiday on Monday so I thought if I don't take any pills on Monday it might probably get worse again so I took the chance but like I said I was and still is a freakin douche! I can't believe I took the pills! Why didn't I think this through?! Why did I do it! It's all my fault, I did everything to get myself worse on Monday but nothing worked, I kept drinking ice cold water and playing and not resting but nothings works! So in the end I still went to school the second day but I can't take it anymore! I'd rather be sick than going to school! I'd rather go to the hospital than go to school! I will go to school when HELL FREEZES OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, 11 September 2012
Today sucked...
Man.... Today sucked... We were supposed to clean the whole school because it was trashed from everything from the Fun Fair yesterday. Anyway the scouts had to put the flower pots back to where it came from, sounds easy right? Well it's not! There were so damn many flower pots and some of them were big! Oh, we also had to put back the tables and chairs we used for the Fun Fair. And it was also horrible because it was so freaking heavy! The only good thing about it was that us scouts didn't have to stay in class like the others. Usually I'd be over-excited about it but not today, one of the reasons was because every class in school was cleaning their class too so that means, there weren't many classes today. Do I just have bad luck or what? There wasn't any classes when I was busy doing other things, but when I'm done and ready to relax in class the teachers said "Now that you guys are done cleaning, let's begin classes." I was like "Are you fucking kidding me?! I just got back!" but sadly they weren't kidding. And I was in a horrible mood today because I got doped by my seniors, I smiled while others were either being punished or just standing there so, my reward for being positive, push-ups 30 times. So, you can't be positive? Anyway, I'm just a little mad about a few things and I guess I can stop here.
Friday, 7 September 2012
"Call of Mama" Preparation Day 1
I guess I'll be posting all about the Fun Fair's things for these few days. And this is the video of they're first day of decorating and preparing the games for the fun fair- 'Call of Mama". Video made by Yuri Aegyo. Hope you can attend the Fun Fair and I hope you enjoy it.
2J7 Poi Lam High School Ipoh (Game)
(Year 2012, Ipoh Poi Lam High School Fun Fair)
of Mama♥
(Class 2J7, Call of Mama)
(Date: 9/9/2012)
地点:O block , Class 2J7 ( 在礼堂右边的第二个block
(Location: O Block, Class 2J7. The 2nd floor at the building located at the right side of the hall)
(Location: O Block, Class 2J7. The 2nd floor at the building located at the right side of the hall)
到时见♥ — at Poi Lam High School Ipoh 2J7/2012.
Thursday, 6 September 2012
Poi Lam High School Fun Fair 2012-----3J7 Trailer
This is one of the trailers from my friend's class. 3J7. If you don't know where it is, there's an "X" marked on the class at the end of the video. And if you still can't see it just go to the school and ask the people there. If you want the school's address you can see the previous post and search the address online.
School: Poi Lam High School (SUWA)
Class: 3J7
Time: 9am-3pm
Game: *Watch the video!!
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