
Tuesday 18 September 2012

School SUCKS!!!!!!!

Okay, I haven't posted anything in a while because I'm getting really lazy these days. Anyway, I decided to post something for some unknown reason and I don't quite know what to post besides how much I hate school, scout and how unfair people can be or any other events that will or have happened. But since nothings has happened recently so I'm just gonna go ahead and say "SCHOOL SUCKS!". Well, not in every country in the world but I know Malaysia's schools suck like hell. The teachers don't know how to teach, 80-90% of the girls in school are either lesbians or girls that love duck-faces! I don't mind lesbians but do they have to pose for every freakin picture they take?! At this point I'd rather be sick that go to school. Yeah, I tried it. I definitely got sick but sadly it was on a weekend so all my efforts was wasted. I didn't do anything but still I tried to resist not eating any medicine since it was killing me! I kept vomiting and coughing but I still didn't have any medication until Sunday. Yeah, I'm a douche. I shouldn't take any medicine, it was Sunday. There was a holiday on Monday so I thought if I don't take any pills on Monday it might probably get worse again so I took the chance but like I said I was and still is a freakin douche! I can't believe I took the pills! Why didn't I think this through?! Why did I do it! It's all my fault, I did everything to get myself worse on Monday but nothing worked, I kept drinking ice cold water and playing and not resting but nothings works! So in the end I still went to school the second day but I can't take it anymore! I'd rather be sick than going to school! I'd rather go to the hospital than go to school! I will go to school when HELL FREEZES OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

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