
Monday 24 September 2012


K-ON. I don't know why I like it because there really isn't any story to the show. Like, in Hitman Reborn, Tsuna is a mafia boss and he has to protect his men. But in K-ON, there really isn't a story. The episodes doesn't have a story to the title, well, I can't say that because they do play music but sometimes the details just doesn't make sense yet you will still like it. And even though I like it it doesn't mean that I crazy for it, the shows that I'm crazy for are usually comedy or shows that involve fighting. And by comedy I mean real comedy like "How I Met Your Mother" and "Big Bang Theory". And if only Russel Peters has a show of his own, if he does I would definitely watch it, he is so awesome! So, it you're bored or like shows like that I suggest you like K-ON. Well, I really don't know why I like it because I never thought I would like show like that since there's no fighting in it and it's not funny. But still, I like it. Haha.

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