
Thursday 6 September 2012

Fun Fair (1st Day)

Today is the first day of our Fun Fair duty. We helped to arrange the tables, chairs etc. I think it was suppose to be for the whole day but in the end we were done during the first recess. We didn't do everything but we have three days to get everything ready and we'll definitely be done on the third day so I guess the seniors didn't want to waste that much time. Anyway, when we were done in scout we went back to class to help decorate and prepare. I really didn't want to go back to class because it was and always was boring! And that isn't the worst part, the worst part was there were prefects all over the school so whenever we got out of class we would be forced back into class. Yeah, we were suppose to help in class but we're done, so what do you want us to do in class? At one point I got so bored that I slept on the FLOOR!! Well, I would've slept on the chair or table but there wasn't any place for me to sit except the floor. And there were some friends of mine that were looking for me. I went out to talk to them but those stupid prefects wanted me to go back to class. I won't mind but I was gonna ask something but they were so damn annoying that I just went back to class. I told them we were talking about something but they still wouldn't budge, so before they even finished saying what they were gonna say I just went back in class cursing them. I really just want them to shut up. I would've told them to shut up but I'm afraid they will take me to the discipline teacher. Normally I wouldn't be afraid but I'm already in deep shit so I don't want to take anymore risks. My friend said that we'll PROBABLY won't get sent to the discipline so I'm thinking of trying it tomorrow.

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