
Wednesday 19 September 2012

Extra Curricular Activity

Well, tomorrow is Thursday again. Which means it's Extra Curricular Activity day again. Just saying it makes me so sad. I really don't want to go to scout! Nearly every week since July, I've been skipping scout and I've never been caught. But even if they don't know where you are they will still know you skipped it because the teacher will check whether or not you're absent. And if you weren't absent and you skipped it they will minus your extra curricular marks. I don't mind but if your extra curricular marks are too low there's a chance that you won't be able to become a senior, not just in your organization, but in your grades too. Yeah, it's sort of a big risk but when you hate it so much you want to kill yourself, you will do a lot to get out of it. If only I was a ghost, you know like the evil ones in 'Ghost Whisperer". They have powers and if I have them too I will get rid of everyone that deserves to be punished. I hate the Scout Master(s), the seniors (not all of them) etc. Man, if only we can choose not to be in an activity. And, some of you might be wondering "If you hate it so much why don't you just quit?". Well, the answer to that is because I can't. The teachers said that you can't quit for some reason. Well, you can but they don't tell you when so you just have to guess. Well, they only let you quit during half of the year or the beginning of the year. But the problem is they don't tell you the exact date so I hate it. I tried to quit once but when I asked the teacher the teacher said "You're too late, yesterday was the last day to quit." so I was really upset but I can't do anything.

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