
Friday 28 September 2012

Freakin Lectures..

Damn it! I just pissed off my mum again! Well, there was this course or talk or something she wanted me to go to. And I told her the second she asked me to go with her that I won't like it and I will keep bugging her to go home but she still insisted I go. So, in the end I still went to the talk. I guess my mother thought I would like it when I actually heard it but in the end I was literally bored to tears. At one point I was so bored I almost fell asleep but of course I didn't want to be impolite so I just started to text some of my friends. Anyway, I stopped in the end because it was still boring as hell and it was nearly 9.20 so I asked my mother if we could leave. My mother could tell I wasn't enjoying it one bit but she wanted to keep listening. But I want to go home so I asked  my mother a few more times and she got mad and we left. No, she did not scold or lecture me in front of the crowd. And when we were in the car we didn't say anything so I could tell she was mad. If I just stayed there until the end when we came out she would ask it I liked it even though the answer would be 100% no. And then she would say some boring stuff about what the dude said and I would have to listen to it for at least a few days. But like I said she was mad so we didn't say anything at all. Yeah sure it's my fault for bugging her to go home but in my defense I specifically told her I didn't want to go! Before we left home I was still saying I didn't want to go but she wouldn't budge. And this is NOT the first time she dragged me to some boring lecture, and every time I will be too soft to ask my mother to leave so in the end I have to stay there yawning, praying for the lecture to end quicker, imagining myself out with my friends. And I was just so bored and sick of always going to these stupid lectures so I just begged my mother in the end, she was STILL mad. When is she NOT mad at me?!

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