
Tuesday 11 September 2012

Today sucked...

Man.... Today sucked... We were supposed to clean the whole school because it was trashed from everything from the Fun Fair yesterday. Anyway the scouts had to put the flower pots back to where it came from, sounds easy right? Well it's not! There were so damn many flower pots and some of them were big! Oh, we also had to put back the tables and chairs we used for the Fun Fair. And it was also horrible because it was so freaking heavy! The only good thing about it was that us scouts didn't have to stay in class like the others. Usually I'd be over-excited about it but not today, one of the reasons was because every class in school was cleaning their class too so that means, there weren't many classes today. Do I just have bad luck or what? There wasn't any classes when I was busy doing other things, but when I'm done and ready to relax in class the teachers said "Now that you guys are done cleaning, let's begin classes." I was like "Are you fucking kidding me?! I just got back!" but sadly they weren't kidding. And I was in a horrible mood today because I got doped by my seniors, I smiled while others were either being punished or just standing there so, my reward for being positive, push-ups 30 times. So, you can't be positive? Anyway, I'm just a little mad about a few things and I guess I can stop here.

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