
Tuesday 4 September 2012

Fun Fair (This Sunday)

My school is having a Fun Fair this Sunday. It starts from 8am/9am-3pm. Every class in school will be selling all sorts of food and there will also be games. It's gonna be awesome but I have to be on duty. I don't mind, it's just that I hope to see my friends from elementary school, I really miss them. And by them I meant my friends only, not the teachers. Well, I do miss some of the teachers but I definitely don't miss ALL of them. Anyway, since we have to prepare for the Fun Fair this Sunday, we don't have classes starting Thursday until Saturday. We'll just be decorating and preparing things for the Fun Fair. And that also means that there won't be any Extra Curricular Activities on Thursday!! I'm so excited that there won't be ECA this Thursday, I don't have to see my freakin Scout Master. But even though there won't be any classes on Thursday, there's still Wednesday. My class has 2 periods of Mathematics, 1 period of Chinese History etc. But I hate those 2 the most because they're boring and I can't sleep during they're period. I'm Asian and I'm supposed to be awesome at Maths but that's just insulting, my Maths suck like hell! And I actually like History, it's just that it's in Chinese, and for some reason I'm better in English than I am in Chinese. I guess it's just the environment that I've been raised in. Damn it!! Why can't Fun Fair decorations start tomorrow, that way I won't have to suffer for 3 periods. I can't sleep because my Maths teacher is my class teacher and my History teacher keeps paying attention to me because I dozed off in his class a couple of times. Anyway,......

Location: Poi Lam High School (SUWA) 培南独立中学
Time: 8am/9am-3pm
Date: 9/9/2012
School Address (Link):,Ipoh,+Perak&cid=0,0,5764455522199894735&ei=BRRGUIyGOsnUrQfj6YHoCg&ved=0CHwQ_BIwAA

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