
Thursday 20 September 2012

Poi Lam High School Brass Band Performance (Party Rock Anthem)

This is the performance of my school's brass band playing a while back. I just found it on Youtube, I decided to type in "Poi Lam High School" for some reason and I found this. Anyway, you will or heard the crowd cheering at the end and when the 2 guys stood up and danced. You think that's good right? Well, it's not! To my assistant headmistress that is! After the whole performance ended she came out and said "We can understand if you cheer when there's a celebrity but it's just your school's brass band! I hope I don't have to repeat myself." So, does that mean you don't want us to cheer for our own school's brass band performance. Granted that they're just performing for our school and there might not be any parents or other visitors watching but still we cheered because we liked it. This is what happens when you let douches run the school.

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