
Tuesday 31 July 2012

English Teacher, You suck like hell!

Today in English class, my teacher wanted us to create a brochure about anything you want. I did a brochure about Laser Battle which explains the things I posted about Laser Battle. Anyway, the teacher was so damn fake. She said that if we don't let her see our brochure we won't get 10 marks in our exam. Which as fine because teachers have to give 10 marks homework marks so our English teacher wanted us to create a brochure and the marks are counted as our homework marks in our exam papers. If you still don't get what I'm saying right now, then don't bother trying to understand it because I'm not gonna repeat it again and I'm only said what I said because I think I'm running out of things to say. Anyway, when I gave my brochure to the teacher she was free but when I gave it to her she started to say stories about her and another teacher at the shopping mall.... Then while she was talking other students gave their brochures and she checked them instantly! While my brochure which she is holding gets checked last! She checked them after she finished the damn story about her, another teacher and some jeans! When she checked mine, I doubt she even looked at it. I should clear that up, my English teacher hates me because I'm always talking. But in my defense, her class sucks like hell... Her English standards- "Please not make me angry", "Time is run out." etc. And, most of what she says is "entertainment". She tells boring stories that only teacher's pet will find it interesting which is probably most of my classmates. Which is why she thinks she is a good teacher but in truth she sucks like hell! And even though I always talk in class I can still do great in my exam she just doesn't want to give me marks. My mother saw my composition and she said that it was good but the teacher gave me a very low mark. And! I remember that when my friend counted my marks for me I got an "A" but when I gave it to another friend that was suppose to help the teacher count our marks, he counted that I got a 70+%. But then my teacher checked the composition again and she deducted my marks AGAIN!

Popularity Rankings

You know I really don't get why guys my age are so dumb! Well, not all but a lot of them, especially in my school. Well, it's normal for a class or a school to have popularity rankings even though they don't say it you can probably see it. My class has a popularity ranking too but it's practically bullshit! They don't judge your popularity by your coolness or how good of a person you are or how rebellious you are! They judge by how beautiful or good-looking you are. And the first few people that are ranked most popular in my class are jerks or like posing duck faces and posting it on the internet! And they think that just because they can talk loudly they're like VIP in the class! I'm like "You're kidding me right?!" And I was kind of lying, they do judge by your rebelliousness but the problem is they don't know how to judge! Just because a kid talks back to a teacher or make good jokes doesn't mean that they're rebellious! I don't even understand how making good jokes can make you like a rebellious kid. Which is why I join people that are older than me, yes I should join people the same age as me but they're jerks and they are useless and don't even know what rebellious is! If you judge people by how rebellious they are I certainly won't be the first in school, but I probably might be first in my class. I skip classes all the time, I do practically whatever I want in class while the other classmates listen teachers and they do homework! Yes, I do homework too but I always copy other people's answer at the last minute..... Geez.... I just hope they will stop these stupid rankings... And I'm not just saying this because I'm not at the top, it's just unfair! They treat people that are not popular like servants!

Laser Battle

 Laser Battle Information

Address: 2nd Floor, Glamour Square Shopping Centre,
               Persiaran Bercham Selatan 20,
               31400 Bercham, Ipoh, Perak.
Opening Hours:
11am to 1am (Sunday to Thursday)
11am to 2am (Friday to Saturday & Public Holidays)
Ticket prices: RM(10-30), RM50 for unlimited gameplay
Facebook Page: Laser Battle
Contact Number: 012-3246873 (Ms. Elen)

This home to Laser Battle, The latest indoor laser tag arena in Malaysia by Laser Tag Malaysia. We are located in  Glamour Mall, Bercham Ipoh, and we are now operational. Indoor laser tag is a game of endurance, strategy and stealth! Come and experience laser tag the way it should be here at Laser Battle.
We are also available for special bookings! Celebrate your birthday parties here, host your teambuilding event here! We provide qualified teambuilding trainers! Contact us for more details!

Sunday 29 July 2012

Not going to school on Saturdays

Damn it! It's already Sunday midnight! One of the things that suck when you're studying in my school is that you have to go to school on Saturdays! And it's not only for Extra Curricular, you have to have classes too! What the hell?! Do they realize that when people are shouting "TGIF!!!!!" We're like "I have homework to do, and it's due tomorrow..." When people are having fun, we're still doing homework or studying. Okay, that was fake... I mean where are you gonna find people that actually like studying school books? What I'm trying to say is that people are having fun while we still have to prepare for school which means normal people have 2 days and three nights or relaxation but we have 1 day and 2 nights of relaxation. Come on! They have to be fair! And what if that certain family has a lunch or dinner coming up? And since they have to prepare for it they can't have time to play or relax that means, that guy doesn't even have time for himself! If they let us relax on Saturday's, these things wouldn't happen as much! I'm not saying things like people never getting to relax will never happen again if they let us go to school only 5 days a week, I'm saying that the possibility of that will decrease. And, it's also a benefit to parents too. Why? Because kids nowadays hate school, and when they have to go to school on Saturday while other kids are sleeping like pigs, they'll start to curse people like the headmaster! And, kids' attitude will change because they don't think it's fair! Even people from work don't have to go to work on Saturdays' but students still have to go to school?! What logic is that?! AND! If we don't have to go to school on Saturdays' teachers can have more time to relax or mark the students workbook! See? Look how not going to school on Saturdays' has benefited so many people!

Thursday 26 July 2012

People that just want to know more about your life

 You know you have an/some adult relatives/relative that always wants to know about your life even though it has no connection with him/her whatsoever. Recently, my cousin just found out that I got rejected by someone so they thought that I was depressed. Yes, I was depressed but I definitely wasn't depressed because I got rejected! I'm not those girly girls, I was depressed by something related to it but definitely not depressed about being rejected. Anyway, I think they told they're parents that I have a crush and that I got rejected and I'm depressed. But like I said I'm not depressed about getting rejected, I was depressed about something else and I didn't want anyone to know so they thought that I was upset all because I got rejected. Anyone who really knows me knows that I won't get too depressed even if I got rejected. I'm not those girls who cry all day and all night just because they can't get the person that they like. Anyway, the second day my cousin's mother was like "I think you're abnormal today." I wasn't exactly offended by that but how could they say that?! That incident happened a long time ago and I'm fine now but they just have to point it out! Now, I wasn't upset because it reminded me of my crush but come on! They don't even know anything and they still want to judge me. If you don't know anything please don't judge people too quickly. That incident happened a long time ago, I don't talk to him anymore because I want to avoid certain things to happen. Anyway, that's none of their business and they shouldn't bother about my love life! Yes, they're related to me and yes they have the right to care for me but to me they don't seem like they care about me at all, it's just seems to me that they just want to know more about my love life.


I know I haven't post anything for a while that's because I was hooked on a game called MapleStory. No, it's not the Facebook game MapleStory Adventures. That game sucks compared to the original game. I started playing that game a year ago but I stopped playing because you have to update the game every once in a while but for some reason I can't update it so I stopped. But my brother still plays is so when he came back I just copied it from his computer. Anyway, about the game, you can choose characters from different backgrounds especially now. They just released the new heroes called "Legends". There are three legends, the most famous-Demon Slayer, 2nd-Mercedes, and 3rd-Canoneer. I choose Demon Slayer because the name sounds awesome! But Mercedes has more attack speed and Canoneer is awesome since the damage is extremely high. Demon Slayer is great too but the greatest powers that can be obtained is at level 70 (3rd job) or level 120 (4th job). Yes, there are jobs too, you can get more skills. Like, if you finished the 3rd job quest/mission then you can get your character's 3rd job skills. But you have to level up of course to get skill points. And, besides legend you can also choose other characters like Mechanic, Battle Mage, Evan, Aran, Wildhunter, Warrior etc. It's awesome so if you have no game to play and lots of time, just play the game. You can find the game at

Monday 23 July 2012

Exams+Classmate Relationships

Well, I was right. The couple in my class "broke up" and now they're back together again. Almost all of her friends are happy for her but I'm not. She was crying like hell on Saturday and she's completely fine today! I kind of expected that would happen so when she cried I was like "You don't have to cry..." And I meant it, I knew they were definitely gonna get back together but I didn't say it, it would be somehow insulting. If you say that of course it's hurting for some reason. Anyway, there are some other things that happened in school today like my Geography test, it was so damn hard! Okay, yes I have exams this week and the only reason I didn't say anything about it because my parents don't know! And I just wanted to say it now because I just figured they don't even know that I have this blog. Anyway, the Geography test was so damn hard! I tried my best but I still couldn't finish the damn paper, not because I didn't have enough time, it was because I didn't know the answer or what the question is about. Well, I do know it's about volcanoes but I don't know what it's saying exactly. Actually, I think I don't know the answer is partly because I never studied my textbook, not because I don't want to because I don't even have the Geography textbook. Man... But, I guess even if I did have the textbook I still wouldn't know because almost all my classmates didn't know the answers. I didn't know but at least I tried to answer a few even though I couldn't answer the whole paper. In the end I gave up and sleep...

Saturday 21 July 2012


Okay, my female classmate had a relationship with some guy in the next class. And ever since they started being a couple they have been fighting everyday! Oh and they WERE in a relationship, I think they just broke up today but I don't know why and I'm not even sure if they really did break up because you know young couples, they have a small fight and then they say they're single again. So I can't be sure, but if they really did break up I'd be happy. I know she's my friend but they have been fighting everyday and it's been getting on my nerves lately. But for some reason I don't know how they can even be together since they fight everyday. Every day in school I will see that girl cry but I heard when they text each other they will use words like "husband" or "wife"! First of all, that really disturbs me because they're definitely not married and come one! They fight all day but become husband and wife at night?! What sense is that? And, they are extremely jealous of one another! The guy gets jealous when the girl talks to other guys and if I remember correctly the girl once got so damn jealous that she cried! I was like "You have got to be kidding me!". I mean come on, so what if you're in a relationship! You can still talk to other girls or guys you know! And speaking of relationships you definitely can't force someone not to like another person even though that person has a girlfriend or boyfriend you know! There's nothing wrong in liking somebody as long as you don't harm their relationship anything that has to do with the relationship.

CW art

This is my friend's page..... He's an awesome artist so he just decided to open a page. Don't ask anything about the animals or whatever that is in the page..... Just like it, no need to question anything. Okay, I admit it I just wrote a few more sentences because I don't like a post being too short. I don't mind it being too long because that means I have things to say. Anyway, just like it.

Friday 20 July 2012

Reasons I do NOT want to go to school

Okay, people really don't get why kids don't want to go to school so let me explain it to them....

  1.  Teachers suck
  2. Some of their friends suck
  3. Your enemy is in that class
  4. Your enemy is in the school
  5. Teachers scold you for no reason
  6. There's no television (Even if they have, they don't have the channels that you want)
  7. The teachers do not let you use the school computer unless you get permission from them & we all know what the answers gonna be right?
  8. Music class sucks
  9. Art class sucks
  10. Other classes sucks
  11. You get insulted by your "friends"
  12. You get bullied by your "friends"
  13. School sucks
  14. You get insulted & scolded by teachers or friends because they had a hard time the other day
  15. There are no games to play
  16. Even though the year 6 students & the Form 5 students finished their exams, they still don't have freedom for no reason.
  17. Students don't have rights! 
  18. Students can't make their own decisions
  19. Teachers control you
  20. Teachers limit whatever you do 
  21. Teachers don't let you do the things you want
  22. Teachers hate you for no reason
  23. Teachers make up stupid rules like "You can't run." and you have to obey it or ELSE.
Yeah, I have tons more to go but I can't write too much, my hands are cramping. Anyway, these are some of the reasons why your kids do not want to go to school. There are more but like I said my hands are cramping. That is also some of the reasons I don't want to go to school...... Okay I'm gonna stop or else my hands can never write anymore. Hey that's not a bad idea, if you can't write you can't go to school right?! Wooooo!!!

People who change.....

You know when one of your friends change and you can feel it but when people ask you to say what part of them has changed you just can't say it because you don't know. 2 of my friends changed. One girl and one guy. Well, it's hard for me to say what they've change but I'll just guess a few. Well, first of all when I just knew the girl she isn't all feminine. And now I think she's trying to be more feminine because she always borrow a comb from the girl sitting next to her. Before that, she never borrows any thing like combs, mirrors and such. And now it's like she's asking for it every few minutes! But I didn't have the heart to tell her, and I think she has a crush on my class's former monitor so you can't blame someone for being feminine for her crush. And now the guy. Well, when I first knew him he was fun and great to hang out with but now.... Well, one of his classmates said he's been you know minding his appearance. He's a scout like me and he's been responsible until a few weeks ago. When I say responsible I mean he will go "fall in" every first recess. We call it fall in even though I don't know why, we usually march during the 20 minutes. Anyway, he used to go everyday but now he just goes for a few days a week. I don't know what's going on with him but if it's because of a girl, well I guess he could tell me. I can probably help, I'm one of his best friends and he said he treats me like a sister well if he really does treat me like a sister I just wish he would change back to the old him when he was fun and great to hang out with. You know some people even laughed at us because they thought we were going out but we were just friends. And the worst thing is that they don't even know that they changed. Anyway, I just hope the two friends would change back to their old selves.

Thursday 19 July 2012

Freakin Scout Master!

I just started my Maths tuition today and it was great, I was suppose to start yesterday but we couldn't find any place to have the tuition. Anyway, I want to continue with what happened today at the "Extra Curricular Activity" time. Long story short, it was extremely scary. Well, our school's scout has 4 Scout Masters, 3 of them are okay but one particular Scout Master is a freaking jerk and I just don't know how to describe him! He just sucks like hell and his a freaking jerk! Today a friend of mine accidentally bumped him and my friend paid the price for it. The Scout Master wanted him to do 10 push ups... At first, then he increased to amount to 30 because he was looking at the floor when he was doing push ups.... I was like "Are you kidding me?!'. So what?! Someone accidentally bumped into you, you can't force people to do push ups just because they bumped into you! And I don't think that's the worst thing that he's done. I still remember when we got our full uniforms, I thought the uniforms were the same so I thought I could just use my brother's old things but some of the things changed to I told that Scout Master and he totally blamed me! I mean, how can you blame someone that doesn't even know?! And he was like "Who is your brother? Is he a Scout Master?" I didn't say anything but I was extremely mad at him. He doesn't actually scold you, he just insults you. No matter how personal that particular thing is he will still insult you! And he thinks he did nothing wrong, he says that he was only telling the truth even though it hurt we still had to hear it. I said nothing but in my head I was like "You have got to be kidding me.... Even though that person was wrong you still don't have to insult him!" If he wanted the truth why don't I tell him that nobody in scout even likes him! And he never does anything he says, he just says that we should do this and that but he himself doesn't even do anything! Sure, you're a lot older than us but you can't even show us how to do a few thing?! I love everything about scout except him! It's because of him that I'm actually considering to quit scout!

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Parents vs Kids...

Parents always tell us to study but do they realize that if we don't like it the result will be the same no matter how much they force us to do it? I know they're trying to show us that studying will improve our grades but from my perception, they showed us studying makes us get horrible grades. Because, when parents force you to study you get moody. And how can you study when you're moody? Well, you can but it's hard. Anyway, parents probably know that kids need determination and motivation to study and get good grades so they'll compare you to other kids that get better grades than you. But when you compare yourself to another person that got worse grades than you they'll say "Don't compare yourself to him/her!". Which is why I never say anything when they compare me to other people no matter how much it disturbs me. Well, I can't do anything about it so I might as well just sit there and listen then go to my bedroom and just relief my anger in my room. Anyway, they always compare us to other kids and that tactic might work on some people but that's definitely not working on me! When they compare me to other kids I always think to myself "They're them, I'm me! So why should you compare me to them?!" But like I said I can't do anything about it. And like I said that doesn't work on many people like me but they still do it! I don't get what they're trying to do! Parent just don't have other tactics, there are a lot but they've used them all.... There's "The Bribe", they bribe you with things you want, there's "Comparison", they compare you with other kids, there's even "The Force", they force you to do things. And there are a lot more I don't want to write it for everyone to see, I mean what if you're parents see it! I just hope that they'll have better tactics to make us study. Well, I'm gonna stop here because my mother's forcing me to study again.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Mathematics tuition tomorrow~

I just signed up for a Mathematics tuition and I'm going to start tomorrow. The reason I agreed to join is because it's only a few people in my class, I feel more comfortable if it was my classmates. Well, I don't like all my classmates but I don't mind the people that are going to the tuition with me. Anyway, I think it's gonna be great because the teachers isn't old so they can relate to us. Like if we say his class is boring he won't mind because any normal person will feel bored when they're studying. But if we say that in front of older teachers they'll probably think we're annoying so I guess I won't be that bad. And young people nowadays need internet so we can probably go on Facebook or other websites before or after the class. One of the best thing is that the teacher's house is near a shopping mall so after we're done we can probably go for a movie or something! It's so damn awesome~!

Canon Rock - Sungha Jung

Why can't I have Sungha Jung's talent?! So freakin jealous! I think I'm gonna learn guitar...

Monday 16 July 2012

Dumb Girls...

I don't get people especially girls around 12-18. They always act cute and like everyone loves her! Well, if any of my readers are like that here's the truth- NOBODY CARES AND NOBODY LIKES YOU! I hate those kind of people but almost all of my class's girls are like that. They think they're pretty but they're not! They think that a lot of guys like them but NOBODY DOES! I try not to insult them but I just have to so I just write it on paper and then throw it away. I can't stand those people who think they're adorable and acts cute in front of certain people but reveals themselves in front of other people. Like my cousins, for some reason not only my classmates always acts cute, even my cousins acts cute. And they always do those dumb girl pose, if you don't know just Google search it or go to . 9gag has a lot of things I can relate to so I love going to that website.

Freakin Bored Day

Today was extremely boring! We have an assembly every 2 weeks, and it's time for assembly again today... And as usual it sucked.... The vice principal and other teachers just had to take their time to lecture about us being noisy. The worst part was we were all listening when she said that we never listen to they're announcements which was completely false. If we never listen to what they say then how could we know that they're lecturing us about being too noisy? I hate assemblies because we have to stand there and listen to them saying that we're horrible students and we can't even say a word. Well, other than that other classes still stunk, today's classes was like extremely boring! I don't know if it's just me or what but I was so bored that I actually slept in class! I always say that I sleep in class but so far I never did it when teachers are in class but I was so damn bored that I accidentally fell asleep.

Saturday 14 July 2012

I'm A Scout And I Know It

I'm a Scout & I know it~

Yes, I'm a scout, am I happy to be a scout? Yes, of course. Do I like my Scout Master? DEFINITELY NOT! My Scout Master is so damn fake! He claims to be a Scout Master and acts like his all mighty because he's a Scout Master but every time after he lectures us we'll say "Just shut up!" Well, not in front of him, we say it behind his back. I hate him for a lot of reasons. One of the reasons is that he is extremely fake, he says he is a Scout Master and that he is always right. When he said that I was like "Are you kidding me?!" So what if you're a Scout Master, you're not always right!!! Okay, I don't want to talk about my Scout Master anymore... Jeez... Anyway, besides my freaking Scout Master I actually like Scout a lot. It's tons of fun! As you can see at the top, there's one of my scout pictures. Technically, it's not mine because I wasn't there, I wasn't even in scout that time. I just joined this year, I saved that picture from my seniors file and I decided to post it since it was just so damn great...


I cannot believe it.... I have two blogs, one of them is this one and the other one... Well, don't bother searching because I don't even post anything there anymore, and today I wanted to check my out blogs stats and I could not believe my eyes when I saw the all time viewers was over 1000+... Okay, that might be less to most bloggers out there but to me it's a lot. I'm not good at anything actually so I was shocked... And I also couldn't believe the most viewers I had was in United States... Before I saw the stats I thought that only Malaysians read it, I never thought that even people from United States would read it. United States is one of my favorite country so I was extremely excited! I just hope this blog gets more famous than that one.

Teacher's Day Duty.

Today was Teacher's Day. I was on duty today at my school's hall. I was at the backstage and it was definitely not what I expected. I expected it to be fun because I thought there would be a lot of friends. Well, I was half right.... There were two groups. Sadly, I was in the lame group... There was a girl that keeps telling us what to do but she herself didn't do anything and she's not even a senior. She was a senior to me but she's definitely not high ranked enough to boss people around. The real seniors are busy watching the other group so they didn't notice her bossing us around. It sucked, and the worst part is the other group was having fun even when the seniors are watching. The seniors didn't mind if we have a little fun but that's not what the bossy girl thinks. And, originally we can watch the performance from back stage but there was something blocking our group's sight so that means we can watch only some part of the performance while the other group can move around and watch the whole performance. That's so unfair.

Friday 13 July 2012

(Michael Jackson) Beat It - Sungha Jung

Sungha Jung-Michael Jackson with Beat It. Can anyone gimme a Sungha Jung CD? >.<

Duty in school....

Today was picture day at my school. I took picture with the English Society and Scout. I didn't like the English Society at all. It sucks! I joined the English Society because I liked English but it was practically an insult to English. I don't even want to talk about the details. But I was quite glad when I took picture as a scout. But before we had our pictures took it was tiring. I wouldn't say it was horrible but it was definitely tiring. Our seniors wanted us to march and we marched for hours, it was so damn tiring. But it was also an advantage, I was only in class for one period, but sadly that was Chinese, the subject that I hated most. But on the bright side it was only one period, other people had to suffer for two periods. Actually I suffered one period because I was on duty, I was glad for two reasons. Number 1, I didn't have to attend a lot of classes, number 2, my crush was also on duty. Well, I'll tell you about my crush sooner or later.. Probably later or never....

Monday 9 July 2012

(Jason Mraz) I'm Yours - Sungha Jung

Sungha Jung (Korean Guitarist), with I'm Yours by Jason Mraz.