
Thursday 19 July 2012

Freakin Scout Master!

I just started my Maths tuition today and it was great, I was suppose to start yesterday but we couldn't find any place to have the tuition. Anyway, I want to continue with what happened today at the "Extra Curricular Activity" time. Long story short, it was extremely scary. Well, our school's scout has 4 Scout Masters, 3 of them are okay but one particular Scout Master is a freaking jerk and I just don't know how to describe him! He just sucks like hell and his a freaking jerk! Today a friend of mine accidentally bumped him and my friend paid the price for it. The Scout Master wanted him to do 10 push ups... At first, then he increased to amount to 30 because he was looking at the floor when he was doing push ups.... I was like "Are you kidding me?!'. So what?! Someone accidentally bumped into you, you can't force people to do push ups just because they bumped into you! And I don't think that's the worst thing that he's done. I still remember when we got our full uniforms, I thought the uniforms were the same so I thought I could just use my brother's old things but some of the things changed to I told that Scout Master and he totally blamed me! I mean, how can you blame someone that doesn't even know?! And he was like "Who is your brother? Is he a Scout Master?" I didn't say anything but I was extremely mad at him. He doesn't actually scold you, he just insults you. No matter how personal that particular thing is he will still insult you! And he thinks he did nothing wrong, he says that he was only telling the truth even though it hurt we still had to hear it. I said nothing but in my head I was like "You have got to be kidding me.... Even though that person was wrong you still don't have to insult him!" If he wanted the truth why don't I tell him that nobody in scout even likes him! And he never does anything he says, he just says that we should do this and that but he himself doesn't even do anything! Sure, you're a lot older than us but you can't even show us how to do a few thing?! I love everything about scout except him! It's because of him that I'm actually considering to quit scout!

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